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Politics in Belgium European Parliament Belgian Parliament.

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1 Politics in Belgium European Parliament Belgian Parliament

2 European Parliament One of the three locations of the European Parliament (others: the city of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) and Strasbourg (France) Meetings of the whole Parliament ("plenary sessions") take place in Brussels English, French and German are the working languages 750 Seats

3 Provinces 10 Provinces with own Government (like states and federal government in US) Each Provinces is lead by a governor Government consists of the Provincial Council, which is the elected body, the Deputation or Provincial College, which is the executive body, and the Governor, who is appointed by the regional government Six year terms

4 Federal Government consists of ministers and secreatires of state ("junior", or deputy-ministers who do not sit in the Council of Ministers) drawn from the political parties which form the governing coalition led by the Prime Minister of Belgiukm (Charles Micheland) and Ministers King formally appoints ministers Coucil of Ministers is the supreme executive organ of the Government = cabinet

5 Parties Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD&V) Groen.
Libertarian, Direct, Democratic (LDD) New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open Vld) Socialist Party – Differently (sp.a) Vlaams Belang

6 Kingdom of Belgium Ferderal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of governance King (Philippe) has a representative role Queen Mathilde

7 Main Policy Issues development of sustainable cultural policy
a focus on participation (active and passive) and cultural diversity as engines for innovation in culture stimulating and developing "eco-culture" Terrorism

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