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The Sounds of Poetry Pages 530 – 538

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1 The Sounds of Poetry Pages 530 – 538
Lots of Notes Today! CCRS – W , W , RL , SL , L , L , L , L Literary Skills –Understand rhythm and meter; Understand rhyme; Understand the characteristics of ballads

2 The Sounds of Poetry Rhyme – the repetition of the sound of the stressed vowel and any sounds that follow it in words that are close together in a poem. Rhyme Scheme – regular pattern of end rhyme. Approximate rhyme – words that repeat some sounds but are not exact echoes.

3 The Sounds of Poetry End rhyme – rhymes that occur at the end of lines. Internal rhyme – rhyme inside a line of poetry.

4 The Sounds of Poetry Rhythm -- a musical quality based on repetition. The repetition of sound patterns. Meter – regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line of poetry

5 The Sounds of Poetry Iamb – an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Foot – one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables Trochee – a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable

6 The Sounds of Poetry Anapest – two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable Dactyl – one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables Spondee – two stressed syllables

7 The Sounds of Poetry Scanning – analyzing a poem to show its meter
Free Verse – does not follow a regular pattern of rhyme and meter

8 The Sounds of Poetry Alliteration (p. 532) – the repetition of the same consonant sound in several words, usually at the beginning of the words Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds

9 Quickwrite (p. 533) Recall a scene you once saw that made a strong impression on you. Perhaps it was the earth seen from a plane window, the ocean just before a storm, the desert at night, or a sky filled with migrating birds. Close your eyes, and be there again. Make notes about what you see.

10 “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” (p. 533)
Find an example of personification in the poem. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Find an example of simile. What is the meaning of the experience to the poet?

11 “I Never Saw Daffodils So Beautiful” (p. 535)
Read the journal entry on page 535. P. 536 questions 1-8 P 536 Writing -- Journal and Poem Make chart Write one paragraph comparing and contrasting the journal entry and the poem. You must include details and cite at least two references.

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