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Sun, Moon and Star 1. Sun & Shadow 2. Sundial By Jason Kim.

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Presentation on theme: "Sun, Moon and Star 1. Sun & Shadow 2. Sundial By Jason Kim."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sun, Moon and Star 1. Sun & Shadow 2. Sundial By Jason Kim

2 Sun & Shadow on 11:15 AM The shadow is facing northwest because the sun is facing southeast and the shadow face the opposite direction of sun. The picture was taken at 11:15 am.

3 Shadow starts from west and goes to north and then to east.
Sun & Shadow on 04:27 PM The shadow is facing northeast because the sun is facing southwest and the shadow face the opposite direction of sun. Shadow starts from west and goes to north and then to east. The picture was taken at 4:27 pm

4 Sundial If you know the time of sunrise and sunset you can estimate the time without clock. For example: The time of sunrise is 7:00am and the sunset is 5:00pm. When it is 7:00am~12:00 it will be northwest but when it is 12:00~5:00pm it is northeast. The picture was taken at 1:33 pm

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