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Internet Acceptable Use Policy:

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Acceptable Use Policy:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Acceptable Use Policy:
A “Safety Net” for the Internet

2 Technology Goals Support the curriculum
Provide opportunities for differentiated instruction Retrieve quality information Provide fundamental skills for a more technical workforce Equal access for everyone

3 What is Acceptable Use Policy?
A system wide policy that defines appropriate and inappropriate use of the Internet. It gives specific information on what is restricted and a code of behavior for using the computer network on school premises.

4 MCPSS Internet Policy The following list contains the unacceptable uses of the Internet: Using profanity or obscenity Copying or distributing commercial software Ordering services and products from the school’s network Using the network for financial gain or for any illegal activity Altering and forwarding personal communications without the author’s consent Spoofing or otherwise attempting to send anonymous messages

5 Using the network to access a file that contains pornography, inflammatory material, inappropriate material, or any material not specifically related to instruction. Using copyrighted materials in reports without permission Publicizing your home address or phone number Creating a computer virus and placing it on the network

6 Using the network for sending or retrieving inflammatory messages
Using the network for sending or receiving large amounts of personal messages Students and parents must sign a form acknowledging the Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

7 Children’s Internet Protection Policy
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires libraries and schools to install filters on their Internet computers to retain federal funding and discounts for computers and computer access.

8 Is the Acceptable Use Policy a form of Censorship?
Article II of the Library Bill of Rights: “Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.”

9 The First Amendment Under the First Amendment, patron’s have the right to read, view, or listen to materials regardless of the viewpoint of the author.

10 Challenged Materials Explain the selection criteria
If not resolved, a formal complaint should be submitted The Library Advisory makes a majority vote to keep the item, remove it, limit the use of it, or place it at another grade level.

11 Safety vs. Rights Protecting a student’s constitutional rights and protecting them from the dangers of the Internet and questionable materials has sparked a great debate. One thing is certain, it is fine line and will continue to a hot issue involving the parameters of censorship.

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