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European Radio Astronomy: strategies for a long-term future

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1 European Radio Astronomy: strategies for a long-term future
RadioNet SPOOR discussion, 9 May 2018

2 This is not (just) a RadioNet discussion*
Q1: What is European Radio Astronomy? Can we agree a definition? Q2: What does ERA look like in 2025+? What is included - pan-European activity, National Facility access & development, International facility cooperation/access? Q3: How could we evolve to the ERA, what would it look like and how would it be Governed? RadioNet as a brand and cohering activity has been successful. But what identity should we choose for the mega-science era of 2025? *But it’s the best forum to do this!

3 RadioNet Advisory Group response
Section 1 noted that the “meeting was strangely low-key”, “many issues have been discussed in other forums” Conclusion: RadioNet is just one of many activities in Europe in radio astronomy. There are ERICs, informal networks, other EU supported actions (SKADS AENEAS, ASTERICS,J Jive, Lofar4SW) etc. These AG comments could have been made in other forums equally. We do not have a single identity and we duplicate many of our actions, time etc. This is not helpful in the era of multi-messenger physics. Funding agencies, and Gen X astronomers want data via IOVA/EOSC – does not see need for ‘clubs’. The future drives us to be more coherent across our forums: funding is being stretched across more disciplines, more big science (EU and nationally).

4 RadioNet Advisory Group - Opportunities
EU Radio astronomy in good health Active, young communities (growing pan-EU facilities) Many cm-NF’s working standalone & in EVN Many m-NF’s working standalone & in ILT World-class research, good national funding streams for people, postdocs, PhDs. Good track record of National and EC funding for range of radio astro developments (RadioNet, PrepSKA, go-SKA, updates to facilities, ESO/ALMA) RadioNet provides a forum to coordinate, discuss these – although notcontrolling or currently setting strategy (?)

5 RadioNet Advisory Group - Threats
1. EC change in funding model – RadioNet has (very) limited lifetime in current form. EC moving to RI funding. 2. SKA will divert national members’ (radio) astronomy investment to new organisation, at the cost to National Facilities. Combined these inform us that across EU we need to ensure Development and easy access to National Facilities to complement SKA, ALMA etc. (Also for training, large-scale projects etc). Maintain health of EU research community – in nations Astronomers Engineering R&D Data Science

6 RadioNet Advisory Group Threats are Opportunities… !
The fact is that SKA & ALMA need a vibrant EU community, for science, for future development from Astronomers Engineering R&D Data Scientists

7 The RadioNet AG suggested ‘we’ focus on high sensitivity, wide-field VLBI – EVN, AVN, Chinese VLBI, eMerlin Is this too restrictive in ambition? This is the time to discuss….

8 EU radio astronomy Q1: What is European Radio Astronomy? Can we agree a definition? Q2: What does ERA look like in 2025+? What is included - pan-European activity, National Facility access & development, International facility cooperation/access? Q3: How could we evolve to the ERA, what would it look like and how would it be Governed? No doubt there are a few options: we should explore before we have a ‘solution’ given to us by lack of funds… etc.

9 EU radio astronomy Q1: What is European Radio Astronomy? Q2: What does ERA look like in 2025+? Does it include… the Vision for EU VLBI set out by the Rnet AG? JIVE, other ERICs which might exist soon? What about the metre, and millimetre communities? What about ensuring R&D, international treaty org access Should we deliberately include (SKA, ALMA) related R&D? What about Data science, e.g. federated EOSC centres? SKA and ALMA regional centres? If not, where do will these activities belong in 2025?

10 EU radio astronomy Q3: How could we evolve to the ERA, what would it look like and how would it be Governed? Option Baseline 1: least action – need a legal entity? Consider RadioNet may not continue to be fundable by EU. Do we ensure it is self-funded by national members (define how we could each pay, and in what %’s). This creates a legal entity for some minimum level of radio astronomy coordination. Option Baseline 2: the other extreme. Consider defining a set of EU Research Infrastructures for Radio Astronomy. Then lobby EU for them to be accepted as such. Have clear command-and-control for this RI from a central organisation.

11 EU radio astronomy Q3: How could we evolve to the ERA, what would it look like and how would it be Governed? Example Option – moderate model A Define a clear set of EU Research Infrastructures for Radio Astronomy – and lobby EU for them to be accepted as such. These RI’s will communicate as a single brand and be ready for coordinated multi- messenger follow up etc. However each RI has a defined ownership and defined Governance model which avoid overlaps. The overarching set of Radio Astronomy Ris should be coordinated by a self-funded body (name?) to communicate with the EU, and ensure cooperation and mutual coherence as far as possible. Other Options – for development at today’s meeting!

12 EU radio astronomy Proposed Next Steps:
MG/CJ collate discussion and circulate to members by end May for further comments. Develop White Paper by end 2018? Consult with existing heads of EVN, JIVE etc. Next SPOOR meeting (date?) : Consider Strategies to progress one or more models.

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