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Amol Rajmane, MD, MS, MBA Associate Director,

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Presentation on theme: "Amol Rajmane, MD, MS, MBA Associate Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHANGING Clinical Trials LANDSCAPE Leveraging Technology to improve CEC efficiency
Amol Rajmane, MD, MS, MBA Associate Director, Stanford Center for Clinical Research (SCCR)

2 Agenda Rise of Digital Clinical Trials and Its Impact on CEC
2. Prospect of Using Novel Technologies to Improve CEC Efficiency

3 Disclosure I have NO relevant financial disclosures to reveal
I am NOT a technology guy

4 Rise of Digital Clinical Trials

5 Ubiquitous Smartphones

6 Improved Wearables

7 Growing Wearable Market

8 Patients Willing to Share Their Health Data
Source: Stanford Medicine 2017 Health Trends Report

9 Responsive Clinical Research Community

10 In this changing clinical research landscape, how our CEC processes can adapt to fit into these evolving novel clinical trials data/work flows?

11 CEC Workflow 1. Event Identification 3. Event Processing
2. Event Data Collection Am Heart J 2013;166: e28.)

12 CEC Workflow 1. Event Identification Am Heart J 2013;166: e28.)

13 Event Identification: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

14 Event Identification: Geofencing

15 Event Identification: Geofencing - CAPTURE

16 CEC Workflow 2. Event Data Collection
Am Heart J 2013;166: e28.)

17 Event Data Collection: Easy Access to EMR Data

18 CEC Workflow 3. Event Processing Am Heart J 2013;166: e28.)

19 Event Processing : Endpoint Adjudication Platforms ( EAP)

20 Summary Adoption of digital technologies is rapidly transforming how we design and execute clinical research Novel technologies have great potential to bring efficiency into CEC processes Clinical research community constituents are playing the role of a catalyst to expedite this transformation.

21 Thank You !


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