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Horn Clause Computation by Self-Assembly of DNA Molecules

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1 Horn Clause Computation by Self-Assembly of DNA Molecules
H. Uejima, M. Hagiya, S. Kobayashi DNA7 Summarized by In-hee, Lee

2 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,
1. Introduction Horn Clause computation Closely related to the high-level programming language PROLOG Tiling Autonomous molecular computation Sides of a tile correspond to the sticky ends of a DNA molecule, and labeled by the sequences of the sticky ends Tiles assemble with each other at the sides whose labels are complementary © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

3 2. Inference by Self-assembly of DNA
Simple Horn Clause Model V = {A, B, C, …} Fact: formula of the form A Rule: AB1 B2 …  Bn Horn clause is either a fact or a rule Set of Horn clause is called Horn program Resolution principle © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

4 2. Inference by Self-assembly of DNA
Molecular computation model Detect(P, A) P1  P2 T(P) The procedure © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

5 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,
2.1 DNA Implementation Implementation of clauses Fig. 1 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

6 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,
2.1 DNA Implementation Implementation of operations Detect(P, A) With magnetic beads, keep only the molecules with query molecules Ligate the molecules Check whether there exists a circular molecules. (exonuclase) © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

7 3. Substitution by String Tiling
Extension for first-order logic Atomic formula: If ti does not contain variables for any i, it is a ground atom The Procedure © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

8 3. Substitution by String Tiling
Restrictions on MakeClause(P) Term in a rule should be of the form Arity of a predicate should be at most two Arity of a function should be one Variable used in the first argument of an atom should always be X, and the variable in the second argument should always be Y A fact should contain no variables © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

9 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,
3.1 DNA Implementation Seed tile for Implementation of substitution Fig. 2 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

10 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,
3.1 DNA Implementation Structure of a seed tile © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

11 3. Substitution by String Tiling
Computational power We can construct a restricted simple Horn program to simulate a nondeterministic Turing machine which computes a problem in NP. A polynomial number of operations using self-assembly of DNA molecules can compute any problem in NP. © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

12 © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,
4. Discussion 3D conformation of branching molecules Bias and errors in hybridization Analysis of chemical reactions Reaction rate, space complexity Analysis from the aspects of thermodynamics and kinetics is necessary Random substitutions Combinatorial explosion of string tiles © 2001, SNU BioIntelligence Lab,

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