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Sustainable fishing.

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1 Sustainable fishing

2 Question: Answer: What is the concept of sustainability?
Sustainable development is maintaining a delicate balance between the human need and preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend.

3 Questions: Why might sustainability be an important goal for society?
What might be difficult about realizing this goal?

4 Sustainable fishing Canada has the longest coastline in the world (7.1 million square kilometres of ocean area) Canada has hundreds of different fisheries It is important to manage these fisheries so that fish stocks do not decline (as they have in East/West Coast Canada)

5 Sustainable fishing The world’s fisheries are under a lot of pressure
The average yearly per person fish consumption in the industrialized world (ex: Canada) is 59 pounds/person That is three times of that in the developing world (ex: Haiti) is 20 pounds/person Retrieved from The New Internationalist Magazine Issue 325, The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Environmental News Service, February 2002.

6 Sustainable fishing 90% of the planet’s marine stocks are fully exploited or over exploited Modern fleets use technology that is the very environmentally destructive Ex: airplane tracking, large nets to drag up ALL fish – not just the targeted fish that are also killed and then thrown away Retrieved from The New Internationalist Magazine Issue 325, The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Environmental News Service, February 2002.

7 Sustainable fishing Fisheries can be restored through the adoption of sustainable fishing practices With the proper incentives, fishers can be encouraged to sustainably manage marine resources Examples: partnerships between local communities and scientists to establish marine reserves Establishment of no-fishing zones Use the power of consumer choice to encourage sustainable fishing practices – give consumers information about declining fish stocks Retrieved from The New Internationalist Magazine Issue 325, The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Environmental News Service, February 2002.

8 Going fishing…. Today you’re going to “go fishing” and explore some of these sustainability issues. GAME INFORMATION: SUPPLIES (for each team): Straws = fishing rods Jellybeans= the largest & most valuable fish Plain M&Ms = the next most valuable fish Plate = ocean Cup = fishing boat

9 Going fishing…. THE GROUPS (move into tables): North Atlantic Ocean:
North Pacific Ocean: Arctic Ocean: Mediterranean Sea: South Pacific Ocean: Indian Ocean:

10 Going fishing…. RULES: You will be divided into groups
Each person will be a “fisher” whose livelihood depends on catching fish Each fisher must catch at least two (2) fish (large or small/jellybean or M&M) in each round to survive Each round consists of two seasons Your “ocean” will be replenished after each round if there are fish left in it

11 Going fishing…. RULES (CON’T): Round One:
When the fishing begins, each person must hold their hands behind their backs and use the “fishing rod” (straw) to suck “fish” (candy's) from the “ocean” (bowl) and put them into their “boat” (cup) The fish remaining in the ocean after each fishing season (two seasons per round) represent the breeding population, and one new fish will be added for every fish left in the “ocean” (bowl).

12 Going fishing…. Round one (two seasons) Timer

13 Going fishing…. Round one (two seasons)
Now…record your “catch” on your fishing log chart (number of large fish & number of small fish) If you have not caught two fish after each round ….you’re out! (stay in your groups) Mrs. H will come around and add “new” fish for every fish you have left in the “ocean”

14 Going Fishing Round Two
In this round, you can use your hands on your straws to represent “new technology” Ex: trawl nets sonar equipment tracking planes

15 Going fishing…. Round two Timer

16 Going fishing…. Round two
Now…record your “catch” on your fishing log chart If you have not caught two fish….you’re out! Mrs. H will come around and add “new” fish for every fish you have left in the “ocean” If you have run out of fish…what will you do now? How will you make money? How will you support your family? Keep your house? Buy new fishing equipment? HINT: do other oceans close to you have fish?

17 Going Fishing Round Three
In this round, ONE fisher will receive a spoon to represent “new advancements in technology”

18 Going fishing…. Round three (Two seasons) – FINAL ROUND!!!
Timer Now…record your “catch” on your fishing log chart

19 Going fishing…. Wrap-Up: How did you do? How did your “ocean” do?
Did you use a “strategy”? How does this activity relate to real ocean and fishery issues? What happens to a resource when you have infinite population growth (like on planet earth), growing demand and technology, and a finite resource?

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