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FNS Supplementary Indicators

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Presentation on theme: "FNS Supplementary Indicators"— Presentation transcript:

1 FNS Supplementary Indicators

2 Theory of Change

3 Sustainable Economies
Indicators Agriculture Systems 5 Sustainable Economies 6 Nutrition 4 Humanitarian Action

4 % of ag area under sustainable agricultural practices
Indicators Agriculture Systems % of ag area under sustainable agricultural practices Increased yield per unit area % of women farmers with access to, control over resources Months of Adequate Household Food Provisioning Increased adaptive capacity

5 Sustainable Economies
Indicators Sustainable Economies HH income Total amount of savings # of policies, norms and practices changes # of sustainable enterprises # of new employment created % adults actively using a financial service

6 Women & Children with Minimum Acceptable Diet
Indicators Nutrition Wasting Women & Children with Minimum Acceptable Diet Women & Children with anemia Exclusive breastfeeding under 6

7 Food Consumption Score Household Dietary Diversity Score
Indicators Humanitarian Action Food Consumption Score Household Dietary Diversity Score Coping strategies Index Livelihood Protection Deficit Kcals consumed per person per day

8 Definitions/Key terms
Guidance General Principles Indicator Rational SDG connection Definitions/Key terms $31 return for every $1 invested Nearly 500,000 more tons of food grown Tripled women’s access to extension services

9 Data required to calculate Suggested method Possible Data Sources
Guidance Data required to calculate Suggested method Possible Data Sources Resources Needed $31 return for every $1 invested Nearly 500,000 more tons of food grown Tripled women’s access to extension services

10 Questions to guide Analysis Other
Guidance Frequency Questions to guide Analysis Other $31 return for every $1 invested Nearly 500,000 more tons of food grown Tripled women’s access to extension services

11 Guidance $31 return for every $1 invested
Nearly 500,000 more tons of food grown Tripled women’s access to extension services

12 Guidance $31 return for every $1 invested
Nearly 500,000 more tons of food grown Tripled women’s access to extension services

13 2014 2016 2017 2018 Our Process Define SuPER Principles
Define elements of sustainability Develop definitions and key terms Develop measurement tools Consult with practitioners Develop detailed guidance Pilot with country offices Refine based on feedback Scale up throughout network 2014 Process of aligning our indicators and M&E systems with SDGs to contribute to global conversation Mention meeting in the fall with FAO statistics division 2016 2017 2018

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