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Notes (on your template)

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1 Notes (on your template)
Electron Orbitals Notes (on your template)

2 Quantum theory _____________ describe exactly the path or orbit of an electron; it can, however, describe the general area of space where the electron is likely to be found.

3 Orbital: a region of space (3D) where there is a high (90%) probability of locating an electron.
Orbital ≠ Orbit

4 Capacity of an Orbital:
Each orbital can hold a total (maximum) of ______ electrons (1 pair).

5 Types (or Shapes) of Orbitals:
s Orbital Shape: _________ Number: ____

6 Types (or Shapes) of Orbitals:
p Orbital Shape: _________ p Number: ____

7 Link to px, py, pz

8 Types (or Shapes) of Orbitals:
d Orbital Shape: _________ Number: ____


10 Types (or Shapes) of Orbitals:
Number: ____

11 Orbital Link to Periodic Table

12 Size of an Orbital In general: the greater the energy level, the greater the energy of the electron, the farther from the nucleus, and the larger the orbital size.

13 The 1s orbital is a sphere, centered around the nucleus (l = 0)

14 once the 1s orbital is filled,

15 once the 1s orbital is filled,

16 the 2s orbital begins to fill around the 1s orbital

17 once the 2s orbital is filled,

18 the 2p orbitals begin to fill

19 each 2p orbital intersects the 2s orbital and the 1s orbital

20 each 2p orbital gets one electron before pairing begins

21 once each 2p orbital is filled with a pair of electrons, then

22 the 3s orbital gets the next two electrons

23 the 3s electrons have a higher energy than 1s, 2s, or 2p electrons,

24 so 3s electrons are generally found further from the nucleus than 1s, 2s, or 2p electrons

25 Conclusion Remember that the shape of an orbital does NOT represent a path of the electron! The shape is a 3D region of space in which the electron is free to move.

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