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SPBIN workshop 21st November 2017

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1 SPBIN workshop 21st November 2017
Beach Wrack Jane Hofmann (EUCC-D) SPBIN workshop 21st November 2017

2 About EUCC – The coastal union Germany
German branch of the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), the largest NGO in the field of coastal management in Europe Was founded in November 2002 and has its headquarters in Rostock- Warnemünde Bridges the gap between science, practice and the public EUCC-D has led over 20 national and international projects and case studies in the field of ICZM Focus Water Quality

3 Beach Wrack Challenges – There is no ’one fits all’ solution!
Social/economic demands for clean beaches Municipalities need recycling options Inhomogeneous and unpredictable (seasonal) Pollution / contamination levels vary High sand content Leaching and high oxygen consumption

4 Beach Wrack Project - What do we want to achieve?
Sustainable recycling options for algae / sea grass Improve eutrophication levels Recover and recycle nutrients Find solutions for handling polluted marine bio-waste Enhance capacity of public and private organisations Project aim: To develop beach wrack management strategies that improve the eutrophic status of the Baltic Sea and promote a balanced nutrient cycle. Improve Baltic Sea eutrophication status by removing nutrients in algae/seagrass Nutrient control measures ( Fertilizers and soil improvement products) Sustainable recycling options for Algae / Sea grass - such as fertilizers, soil improvement products, coastal protection measures (dune management) Enhance capacity of public and private organisations – communication is lacking bewteen waste authorities and private companies

5 Beach Wrack Proposal Application
Interreg Baltic Sea Region ‘Efficient Management of Natural Resources’ Specific Objective 2.1 ‘Clear Waters’ Project Idea Form (PIF) Deadline Main Application

6 Potential Activities BSR baseline study incl. evaluation of viable recycling possibilities Develop / test recycling options for problematic cast algae/sea grass Assess EU / national legal frameworks for recycling options Develop solutions for handling polluted marine bio-waste e.g. with high heavy metal content Develop nutrient control strategies incl. fertilizer nutrient cycle Evaluate and develop harvesting techniques Build capacity of public / private organisations and cross-border activities Develop a ‘marine bio-waste’ management tool Develop sound beach / coastal management strategies based on ecological and social requirements. Improve Baltic Sea eutrophication status by removing nutrients in algae/seagrass Nutrient control measures ( Fertilizers and soil improvement products) Sustainable recycling options for Algae / Sea grass - such as fertilizers, soil improvement products, coastal protection measures (dune management) Enhance capacity of public and private organisations – communication is lacking bewteen waste authorities and private companies

7 Partners Full Partners Associated Partners Private Enterprises
Department of Ecology, University of Rostock (DE) Role: Lead Coordinator EUCC-D Role: Communication Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic (PL) Role: Municipality representative Verband Mecklenburgische Ostseebäder (DE) Role: Municipality representative Associated Partners Municipality of Puck (PL) Municipality of Trelleborg (SE) Legal Framework Municipality of Vordingborg (DK) Harvesting from water Private Enterprises Hanseatische Umwelt (DE) Fertilizers & Soil Improvers Seegrasshandel (DE) Insulation Material KS-VTCtech GmbH / InterCenter GmbH (DE) Bio-Coal (Rügen) Improve Baltic Sea eutrophication status by removing nutrients in algae/seagrass Nutrient control measures ( Fertilizers and soil improvement products) Sustainable recycling options for Algae / Sea grass - such as fertilizers, soil improvement products, coastal protection measures (dune management) Enhance capacity of public and private organisations – communication is lacking bewteen waste authorities and private companies

8 Partner Search Organisation with expertise in marine resource management who can facilitate public/private and cross-border co-operation Organisations with technical expertise in the following areas:- marine bio-waste recycling solutions algal water treatment processes heavy metal contamination analysis Umbrella organisations to represent Swedish & Danish municipalities Private Business Network Improve Baltic Sea eutrophication status by removing nutrients in algae/seagrass Nutrient control measures ( Fertilizers and soil improvement products) Sustainable recycling options for Algae / Sea grass - such as fertilizers, soil improvement products, coastal protection measures (dune management) Enhance capacity of public and private organisations – communication is lacking bewteen waste authorities and private companies

9 Thank you! Any Questions? Contact Details:
Jane Hofmann

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