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Presentation on theme: "? POSTSTRUCTURALIST FEMINISM"— Presentation transcript:

From Poststructuralist Feminist Theory to the Real World: Poststructuralism?? Through the lens of ? FEMINISM Criticism and expansion of structuralism starting in the 1960s with Jacques Derrida, Michael Foucault, Jacques Lacan, and more Acknowledging the patriarchal foundations of psychoanalysis as a continued means of subordination of women poststructuralist perspective-altering theory on intimate partner violence and child abuse (or here) Is poststructuralist feminism an oxymoron? How can feminism exist without a female subject? Does theory that is too radical lead to the apocalypse of feminism? discursive nature of all meaning rejecting binarism in qualitative social research and reconciling poststructuralism and feminism in educational research (start here) Meaning itself has no meaning! Meanings of things like language are constructed and changing, depending on history and context Judith Butler’s poststructuralist conceptions of gender becoming more widespread in pop culture Poststructuralist critique of feminism: a dialogue Important Thinkers Destabilizing meaning itself through the paradox of a never-ending chain of signification Deconstructing the socially constructed – identities, textual meaning, the social world, etc. Rejection of binarism and logocentrism – binaries are constructed, harmful, limiting Applying poststructuralism to feminist theory Luce Irigaray Larger context of how different feminist movements fit (or don’t fit) together reject binarism 0 vs. 1 woman vs. man good vs .bad true vs. false Political application of poststructuralist feminism Hélène Cixous Judith Butler POSTSTRUCTURALIST FEMINISM Annotated Bibliography | Works Cited


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