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Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III We have already learned several Latin roots: spect, scrib, rupt, sta, port, and ject. We have two more to add to the list: dict to.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III We have already learned several Latin roots: spect, scrib, rupt, sta, port, and ject. We have two more to add to the list: dict to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III We have already learned several Latin roots: spect, scrib, rupt, sta, port, and ject. We have two more to add to the list: dict to say prediction pend to hang; weigh pendulum

2 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III dispense expense dictator
1. __________________ -To deal out or distribute in parts or portions. 2. To prepare and give out. 2. __________________ - The cost involved in some activity; a price. 3. __________________ - A ruler who has complete authority. expense dictator

3 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III pendulum dictation
4. __________________ - A mass hung by a relatively light cord so that it is able to swing freely. 2. An apparatus of this kind used to regulate the action of some device. 5. __________________ - The act of dictating material to another to be written down. dictation

4 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III appendix suspense pension
6. __________________ - A section at the end of a book containing additional information, tables, etc. 7. __________________ - Anxious; uncertainty about what will happen. 8. __________________ - A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit. suspense pension

5 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III dependable suspend contradict
9. __________________ - Reliable. 10. _______________ - To cause to hang down from a place of attachment. 11. __________________ - To assert or express the opposite of. 2. To declare to be untrue: to speak against. suspend contradict

6 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III verdict compensation dictionary
12. __________________ - The decision reached by a jury at the end of a trial. 13. __________________ - Something given as payment or amends, as for work, loss, or injury; to weigh one thing against another. 14. __________________ - A book containing an alphabetical list of words with information given for each word. Such information includes meaning, pronunciation, etymology, usage and synonyms. compensation dictionary

7 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III prediction impending predicament
15. __________________ - The act of foretelling, or telling in advance. Something that is predicted. 16. ________________ - To be about to take place; loom. 17. ________________ - A difficult or embarrassing situation; something predicted. impending predicament

8 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III diction penthouse pendant
18. ________________ - The choice and use of words in speaking or writing. 2. Distinctness of speech; clarity or pronunciation. 19. ________________ - An apartment or dwelling, usually with a terrace, located on the roof of a building. 20. ________________ - A hanging ornament, as one worn dangling from a necklace or from the ear. penthouse pendant

9 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III valedictorian pensive appendage
21. ___________________ - In some schools and colleges, the student ranking highest in the graduating class, who delivers the farewell speech at commencement. 22. ___________________ - Showing or engaged in deep, often melancholy, thought. 23. ___________________ - Any part or organ of the body that hangs or projects from another part. pensive appendage

10 Unit 26 ~ Latin Roots III indictment jurisdiction
24. ___________________ - A written statement, drawn up by the prosecuting attorney, listing the charges against an accused person. 25. ___________________ - The authority to interpret and apply the law. jurisdiction

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