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Reading Workshop Wednesday 26th September 2018 KS1

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Workshop Wednesday 26th September 2018 KS1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Workshop Wednesday 26th September 2018 KS1

2 Aims of the workshop To help parents to support their children at home with reading. To inform you on how we teach reading at school. To answer any questions you may have about reading.

3 A reading environment

4 Reading different texts

5 Reading books We primarily use the Oxford Reading Tree scheme of reading books. As they become more confident with phonics and recalling high frequency words they will progress through other levels in their reading books.

6 Comprehension Without understanding the text reading is meaningless.
Talking about the book you have read is as important as decoding the book you have read. Develop understanding of the text by asking questions. See the next few slides for ideas on helping your child with reading. What do you think?


8 You can work with your children and ask them to draw what happens at the beginning, middle and end of their story.

9 Discuss what ending you would have liked and ask your child to draw it
Discuss what ending you would have liked and ask your child to draw it. This will get them thinking and using different skills to help their overall understanding.

10 Encourage tem to tell you why they rated it like that too.
Their opinion It’s very important that children form their own opinion about what they’re reading. Encourage tem to tell you why they rated it like that too.

11 Retelling Close the book and re-tell the story in your own words.
This tells you if your child has understood what they read.

12 Some sample questions Here are some sample questions that you can ask your child while they’re reading.

13 Recording their reading
This is very important. Each child should have a reading record and it’s very beneficial to the teacher if you record how your child is reading at home.

14 At school… We aim to read individually with children as much as is possible, through teacher reading and TA reading. Children have daily letters and sounds lessons – which helps their reading. We encourage reading to be fun!

15 At school… We aim to read a range of fiction and non fiction stories.
We have reading areas and a library. We encourage children to change their reading book often so that they read a wide variety of books.

16 The perfect reading environment
Quiet, calm and focused Make children aware that this is their reading time. Enjoy laughing at the funny parts of a story together Talk about what is happening in the pictures. Allow your child to read to the end of the sentence with out interrupting.

17 What can you do at home? Role model – read books, newspapers, anything! Share exciting stories. Read a bed time story. Set the scene for reading. Reading information books. It is also a means of communicating any concerns or questions you may have. Remember reading is FUN!!!!

18 What can you do at home? Try to find 5 or 10 minutes each day to share your child’s reading book and record in their reading diary. Practise any words they may have. Practise recognition of phonic sounds. Encourage your child to par take in some of the activities provided in the pack.

19 Any questions?

20 Links ..\Documents\Reading-Support-at-Home.pdf Reading at home video
Phonics play English Weebly page Picture Book

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