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Buckingham Primary School

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1 Buckingham Primary School
Welcome to Year 1 Buckingham Primary School

2 Teaching Team Mrs C Milne Mrs D Lake Mrs S Baxter Mrs C Drew HLTA
Mrs P Roach HLTA Mrs K Das TA

3 Water bottles with sports cap please!
Fruit, dried fruit or cereal bar for break Sun hat and cream in warm weather Jumper and coat JF

4 Uniform Uniform remains as outlined in the school handbook
Please ensure all items are clearly labelled Longer hair should be tied back (girls and boys); fringes should not be impairing vision. If children are not wearing school shoes, please provide a brief letter explaining the reason. Only simple studs in pierced ears please. (Earrings have to be removed for PE) JF

5 Behaviour Children are expected to follow Whole School, Playground and Classroom expectations. Good behaviour is celebrated in Year Group and Whole School assemblies The behaviour ladder is the key way for recognising their behaviour choices The BPS Way Sanctions for poor behaviour may include missed break, lunchtime or detention Parents will be informed of lunchtime detention by note (to be returned to school signed). When a whole break time is missed due to disappointing behaviour, this will be reported to parents informally TS

6 Parents informed of forgotten kit Keep kit in school all week
PE/Games:   Plimsolls /Trainers White/blue T shirt or polo shirt Black Shorts White socks (no ankle/sports socks) Blue tracksuit top / Sweatshirt Black tracksuit bottoms Please Note: PE Kit is part of our school uniform Parents informed of forgotten kit Keep kit in school all week TS

7 (perhaps best not to wear them on these days)
PE/Games: Please advise in writing if your child is unable to take part in games sessions Children will not be allowed to wear earrings during games / PE lessons (perhaps best not to wear them on these days) TS

8 Timings of School Day – Year 1
September 2018 8.45 Classroom doors open for children including Morning task 8.55 Registration 9.00 Lesson 1 Break 10.15 Lesson 2 11:15 Lesson 3 12.00 Lunch 1.00 Registration – then lessons 3:10 Assembly 3.30 End of school day We ask that children do not arrive prior to 8.40am BK

9 Topics Autumn Term Rainforest to Buckingham Spring Term Houses to home Summer Term Going Wild BK

10 Year 1 curriculum Maths: Focus on place value Concrete, pictorial, abstract English: Phonics: key, daily Reading: individual and group at least weekly One reading book at a time – developing independence to change books Writing: Through curriculum – focus on pre-cursive Wider curriculum: indoor and outdoor learning opportunities At home: Maths: number bonds, counting in jumps 2,5,10, forwards and backwards Reading: At least 3x Reading Bear Writing: For purpose

11 Year 1 Events and trips Super start : Thursday 6th September – Amazon treasure hunt Marvellous middle: Parent crafts (Tuesday 2nd October) Fabulous finishes Amazon Day: Friday 19th October Harvest Nativity Performances to local community Woburn Safari park For Parents: Phonics workshop 26th September Maths information session Phonics screening BK

12 Website Year group page GH / JF

13 SEND Additional support is arranged by the class teacher
Majority of support will be inclusive Progress is regularly monitored TS

14 Safeguarding Inform us how children get home
Inform us of any changes to routines Share any concerns with us Mrs Walker will take the lead on family support. JF

15 Any Questions? Thank you! JF

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