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Grade 6 Rotation #11-15 Goals/Objectives

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1 Grade 6 Rotation #11-15 Goals/Objectives
Standards: 1.5, 1.7, 1.24, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 Keyboarding a s d f j k l ; h e o m r i t n c my digital footprint Essential Questions: Internet Safety: What is Social Networking? Why is it important to behave responsibly online? Who’s on your friends list? What is a “digital footprint”—and do you have one? Grade 6 Rotation #11-15 Goals/Objectives Log into keyboarding software GKC learn and improve keyboarding skill Lessons: 1.5, 1.6 Learn how to Open a MS Word File and save (ctrl s) to the network Demonstrate correct posture and position and correct touch-system technique for a s d f h j k l ; h e o m m r i t n c space bar enter keys. Open a Word file and learn how to type a CMS school heading using correct placement, margins and centered subject line, change the font size, color and add clip art. Continue Internet Safety Unit Topic: Social Networking Learn basic PowerPoint to include: (Demonstrate the ability to..) Display different views—normal, slide sorter, slide show Edit slide text, add and delete slides Insert clip art/pictures and resize clip art/pictures Use to “drawing toolbar” Links:

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