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Menands Union Free School District

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Presentation on theme: "Menands Union Free School District"— Presentation transcript:

1 Menands Union Free School District
Budget Workshop April 9, 2018

2 Budget Reminders We will budget from the perspective of what we know to be true in the present moment. Though we will be cautiously optimistic about decreases in expenditures or increases in revenue, WE WILL NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS.

3 Changes Since We Last Met
NY State Budget Adopted Updates and Projections Draft 3 Tax Cap Scenarios

4 Where we are to datedate

5 Major Instructional Factors Driving Current Year Spending
Staffing to support increased special education enrollment and needs On-going ELL (English Language Learners) and AIS (Academic Intervention Services) needs Expenses associated with number of students protected under the Federal McKinney Vento legislation including those displaced by natural disasters Greater needs that these students are coming to us with Continued support of staff professional development Unanticipated classroom support

6 Final state aid budget projections

7 Draft 3 Expenditure Budget

8 Draft 3 Expenditure changes
BOCES – Updates to Contracts and Special Ed Placements Decrease 1 non-instructional position Insurance Rates and Enrollment Updated Changes to Special Education Placements

9 Draft 3 Tax Cap Scenarios

10 Mitigating the Potential gaps
Expenditure from General Fund to Grant Funds - $10,157 (Title 1) (Impact on Students none – Impact on Program none) 3.25% Gap - $26,496 Expenditures from General Fund to Grant Funds - $18,000 (Title 1) Expenditures from General Fund to Grant Funds - $8,496 (611) 2.99% Gap - $43,489 Expenditures from General Fund to Grant Funds - $14,678 (611) Part-Time Position from General Funds - $10,811

11 What Could Still Change
Special Education and Federal McKinney Vento Placements

12 Discussion Discussion among & direction from the Board

13 What we can expect at the next Budget Workshop…
Adoption of Final Budget

14 Questions & Discussion
Next Budget Workshop April 16, 2018

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