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9 February 2006 Brussels The Modernisation of the Bulgarian State Administration in the Context of EU Integration Nikolay Vassilev, CFA Minister of State.

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Presentation on theme: "9 February 2006 Brussels The Modernisation of the Bulgarian State Administration in the Context of EU Integration Nikolay Vassilev, CFA Minister of State."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 February 2006 Brussels The Modernisation of the Bulgarian State Administration in the Context of EU Integration Nikolay Vassilev, CFA Minister of State Administration and Administrative Reform Republic of Bulgaria

2 Bulgaria in the EU Strategic goal of the Bulgarian government
Full-fledged EU membership – 1 January 2007 The European Commission Monitoring Reports – our guidelines to EU accession Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

3 The state administration and the EU agenda
The new start of the Lisbon strategy Stronger, lasting growth More and better jobs The modernisation of the state administration (SA) achieves the Lisbon strategy through: Better efficiency of the SA Increased transparency and integrity Improved administrative services to citizens and business Economic growth More jobs Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

4 Real GDP Growth, % Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

5 Unemployment – year-end (%)
10.7 Source: Employment Agency Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

6 Foreign Direct Investment (USD mln)
-17 Source: Bulgarian Investment Agency, Bulgarian National Bank Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

7 Source: Ministry of Finance
FDI (% GDP) Source: Ministry of Finance Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

8 Budget Deficit/Surplus (% GDP)
Source: Ministry of Finance Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

9 Government Debt (% GDP)
Maastricht criterion Source: Ministry of Finance Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

10 Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform
Established in August 2005 The reform in the state administration – important priority of the Bulgarian government Our vision Strong, effective and modern administration Good services and high professional ethics Competent, well-motivated civil servants with self-confidence Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

11 Main Priorities Modernisation of the state administration
Human resources development E-government Administrative regulation and services Transparency in the state administration Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

12 1. Modernisation and Organizational Development of the Administration
Optimisation of the administrative structures Avoiding overlapping functions Merging structures, where appropriate Achieving smaller, better organized, effective and politically neutral administration Improving the coordination within the administration Introduction of an “administrative board” Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

13 2. Human Resources Development
Improving the staff qualification through high quality and timely training Professional courses Language training IT training Attracting well-educated, competent, ethical and motivated people Strict regulations for career development Development of leadership skills Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

14 3. E-government Modern administration using e-technologies
E-content – portals, websites, e-services Transparency, accessibility, time efficiency Interoperability of the information systems and integration with the European systems Broadband access for all employees E-signatures for all institutions Development of the regulatory frame Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

15 4. Administrative Regulation and Services
Improving the quality of services provided to citizens and businesses Elimination and simplification of licensing, permit and registration regimes Development of the “one-stop-shop” principle Outsourcing of administrative services Improvement of administrative services at the border crossing points Public-private partnerships Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

16 5. Transparency Role of the Ministry – to work for transparent and accountable state administration with integrity Public sector ethics Code of Conduct for the ministers and political cabinets Code of Conduct for the employees in the state administration Effective enforcement of the Codes of Ethics Cooperation and information exchange with the civil society and media Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

17 OP Administrative Capacity, 2007-2013 (1)
After the EU accession – absorption of significant resources from the EU funds Development and strengthening of the administrative capacity at the central, regional and local levels of the social and economic partners and civil society for an effective and efficient use of the EU SF and CF Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

18 6. OP Administrative Capacity, 2007-2013 (2)
Strategic objective Strong, effective and modern administration, able to meet the high expectations of the Bulgarian citizens, the business and the EU for good services and high professional ethics Priorities Good governance principles for the modernization of the SA HR development and training Development of e-government Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform

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