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Robert Scott-Jupp (Consultant Paediatrician)

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Scott-Jupp (Consultant Paediatrician)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of consultant residence out-of-hours on acute paediatric admissions
Robert Scott-Jupp (Consultant Paediatrician) Emily Carter (Senior Information Analyst)

2 Background Acute units require 24hr skilled medical cover – hard to achieve given staff resources SDH has had Resident Consultants since 2007 Out-of-hours resident cover split between four level 2/3 trainees and 6 (later 10) consultants Early consultant review more costly but may reduce admissions

3 Hypothesis Consultant resident shifts will result in fewer admissions than those where middle-grade doctor resident Nights (22:30 – 08:59) and Weekend Days (Sat & Sun; 09:00 – 22:29)

4 Methods Rotas from 2007 – 2017 examined
Number of admissions per shift obtained from Hospital EPR system – ≥4hrs LOS only Admissions split into long and short stay (> or < 12 hrs)

5 Nights vs weekend days n Cons shifts Non-cons shifts Nights 4233 1.64
1.57 Weekend days 1511 2.12 2.13* Mean admission rates per shift, *= no sig difference

6 Length of stay Length of stay n Cons shifts Non-cons shifts
> 12 hours 3213 1.83 1.89* < 12 hours 2531 1.60 1.64* Mean admission rates per shift, nights and weekend days. *= no sig difference

7 Statistical Analysis Interesting result: Patients 12 % more likely to be admitted when Consultant resident (Nights only) Table 1: Truncated negative binomial regression results IRR (95% CI) SE P value Weekend Day vs Night Shift 0.58 ( ) 0.02 <0.001 Stay < 12 hrs vs > 12 hrs 1.32 ( ) 0.05 Consultant Resident vs Non-Consultant Resident 1.07 ( ) 0.04 0.060 Crucial result: No statistically significant difference between Consultants and Non-Consultants when adjusted for the impact of other variables i.e. time and length-of-stay (multivariate analysis). Nor is there a difference on its own (univariate analysis).

8 Findings Resident consultant presence NOT statistically associated with reduced admission rates Further study may show evidence of a benefit by way of reduced needs for investigations and increased patient satisfaction

9 Possible explanations for lack of effect
Benefit of early consultant review mostly at handover, not measured here? Consultants more cautious than MG doctors? Reluctance of Tier 1 doctors to call Resident Consultant during night? Consultants less likely to be already present on ward when children arrive?

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