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Agenda Accompanying adults Kit List

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2 Agenda Accompanying adults Kit List
Arrangements for children with medicines Plan for departure day Accommodation, food etc A typical day at PGL Spending money Contacting us/you in an emergency Questions

3 Accompanying Adults Mrs Brennan Mrs Martin Mrs Bertolino Mrs Gusciglio
Mr Brailsford

4 Key Items Bedding is not provided. Children need to bring a pillow and duvet/sleeping bag with them. Please make sure that it is labelled with your child’s name, class and school or that your child is able to identify it in some way!! The children must have a waterproof jacket with a hood as they will be outdoors – even if it is wet! Please make sure the children bring some old clothes/ easily washable clothes as some of the activities are very muddy and they will be ruined! The children will need at least 2 pairs of old trainers or sports shoes that they are willing to get muddy and dirty. It is useful if they have lots of plastic bags to put dirty clothes into. There is a disco (usually on Thursday evening) so you might like to pack a set of ‘party clothes’. We would recommend that the children bring a disposable camera if they wish to take photographs. Please make sure these are clearly labelled as they all look similar. Torches/books/magazines/playing cards for bedtime are allowed.

5 Please Don’t Send Any electronic equipment, including phones!
Any brand new clothes. Large suitcases (your child will be expected to carry their own belongings). Anything that is not named as the rooms get very messy by the end of the week and items will get mixed up!

6 Medicines Medicines must be given to your child’s class teacher on the day of departure! Please label them very clearly with your child’s name and class and leave instructions of when and how the medicine must be administered. It is not sufficient to send in medicine without clear instructions and if this happens we will not administer. If your child is asthmatic you will need to provide two inhalers. This is so that one can be left in the main medical box and one can be taken out with us during the day. Please ensure that these are in date.

7 What happens on the day? The children need to be in school at 12.00pm, on the day of departure and the coach leaves school around 1.00pm. It is ok for you to wait outside the school gates to wave your child goodbye. Luggage is to be left outside on the pavement against the fence or loaded straight onto the coach if the coach is outside the school. Children are only to bring into the hall items that they are going to carry onto the coach e.g. a rucksack or a bag. Luggage is not to be left in the entrance lobby or the playground. We are due to arrive at PGL around 3.30pm depending on traffic and we will contact the school as soon as we arrive. Could you please ensure that your child has eaten lunch before coming into school that day. Children are not allowed sweets or drinks for the coach.

8 At PGL The rooms at PGL are designed mainly for groups of 4-8 children. Boys and girls will sleep in separate rooms. The children will have the opportunity to indicate who they would like to share a room with and will always be placed with at least one person on their list. The teachers’ rooms are located at either end of the children’s rooms so that we are always available at night time and can keep a close eye on the children. The rooms have locks on the windows and there is also a secure fence around the sleeping area. There is also a perimeter fence around the whole site. PGL staff patrol the centre at night. Each room has a shower and wash area. The children have the opportunity to shower each day. Please do not give your child spray deodorants as they are not allowed at PGL as they can trigger the fire alarms. Roll on deodorants are fine. Food at the centre is of a very good standard. Children have the choice of cereal, fruit, toast, rolls or cooked breakfast every morning. Hot meals are provided each lunch and dinner time apart from on the last day when we are given sandwiches. There are always at least three choices of lunch and dinner including vegetarian and healthier options. This means that the children should not be hungry but you may want to provide one or two snacks for a midnight feast. Please be aware that there may be children with allergies in the group and be wary of this when allocating snacks for your child.

9 Activities at PGL On arrival at the centre we will be greeted by our ‘groupie’ who will make sure that our entire stay runs as smoothly as possible. Days at PGL are action packed to say the least and the children will complete at least 4 main activities per day. These are all led by qualified PGL staff. Children are encouraged to challenge themselves in these activities rather than compete with each other. The children will never be forced to do anything they do not want to do. We will split into five groups for the activities. Each group will always be accompanied by a member of staff as well as a member of PGL staff. Standards of safety are a top priority for PGL. Children take part in Evening Entertainment activities and so they are on the go from 7am until 9pm – no time for boredom or homesickness! Bedtime is around 9.30pm.

10 PGL There is a small shop on site which the children are timetabled to visit throughout the week. It sells small souvenirs/gifts and sweets/drinks etc. Children will not be allowed to spend anymore than £10 over the week and so should not bring any more than that! Please send any money in with your child by Friday. It should be put in a clearly named wallet or purse. Mrs Brennan and Mrs Martin will collect these in from the children and only give them out again when it is time to visit the shop.

11 We are in constant contact with the school during the trip and regular updates are sent via from Miss Creed. You will also be contacted by the school to let you know when the coach has arrived at PGL. The children are not allowed to phone home during the trip unless there is an emergency. This helps to stop homesickness. Last year each parent wrote a short letter to their child to open when they were away. The children loved receiving them so we would like to do this again. Letters should be given to your child to give to their class teacher by Friday.



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