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Henry Clay & American System

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1 Henry Clay & American System

2 nationalism Nationalism like manifested itself in manufacturing Patriotic Americans took pride in the factories that had recently mushroomed forth, largely as a result of the self-imposed embargoes and the war.

3 hostilities When hostilities ended in 1815, British competitors undertook to recover lost ground.

4 Prices cutting They began to dump contents of their bulging warehouses on the United States, often cutting their prices below cost in an effort to strangle the American war-baby factories in the cradle.

5 Yankee fighters Failed to crush Yankee fighters on the battle field were now seeking to crush Yankee factories in the marketplace

6 percents Roughly twenty to twenty-five percent on the value of dutiable imports.

7 Henry Clay Nationalism was further highlighted by a grandiose plan of Henry Clay for developing a profitable home market. Persistent and eloquent demands by Henry Clay and others transportation struck a responsive chord with the public.

8 American system He threw himself behind an elaborate scheme known by 1824 as the American system. System has three main parts. Revenues gushing from the tariff would provide funds the third component of the American System-a network of roads and canals.

9 Better transportation?
Outcry for better transportation rising most nosily in the road poor west was one of the most striking aspects of the nationalism inspired by the war of

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