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The log-rate model Statistical analysis of occurrence-exposure rates

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1 The log-rate model Statistical analysis of occurrence-exposure rates
16 January 2019 The log-rate model Statistical analysis of occurrence-exposure rates

2 References Laird, N. and D. Olivier (1981) Covariance analysis of censored survival data using log-linear analysis techniques. Journal of the American Statistical Institute, 76(374): Holford, T.R. (1980) The analysis of rates and survivorship using log-linear models. Biometrics, 36: Yamaguchi, K. (1991) Event history analysis. Sage, Newbury Park, Chapter 4:’Log-rate models for piecewise constant rates’

3 Data: leaving parental home
Leaving home

4 The log-rate model: the occurrence matrix and the exposure matrix
Leaving home The log-rate model: the occurrence matrix and the exposure matrix Occurrences: Number leaving home by age and sex, 1961 birth cohort: nij Exposures: number of months living at home (includes censored observations): PMij

5 ij = E[Nij] The log-rate model PMij fixed offset
The log-rate model is a log-linear model with OFFSET (constant term)

6 Ln(PM): offset : linear predictor
The log-rate model Multiplicative form Addititive form Ln(PM): offset : linear predictor The log-rate model is a log-linear model with OFFSET (constant term)

7 The log-rate model in two steps
Use the model to predict the counts (predict counts from marginal distribution of occurrences and from exposures): IPF (Iterative proportional fitting) Estimate parameters of log-rate model from predicted values using conventional log-linear modeling The model:

8 Leaving home

9 Leaving home

10 The log-rate model in SPSS: unsaturated model
Leaving home The log-rate model in SPSS: unsaturated model Model and Design Information: unsaturated model Model: Poisson Design: Constant + SEX + TIMING Ref. cat Ref. cat Parameter Estimates Asymptotic 95% CI Parameter Estimate SE Lower Upper ln 170/9114 ( [ln 151/4876] [ln 82/16202]

11 The log-rate model in SPSS: unsaturated model
Leaving home The log-rate model in SPSS: unsaturated model PM *exp[ ] = RATE 9114*exp[ ] = 16202*exp[ ] = 15113*exp[ ] = 4876*exp[ ] =

12 The log-rate model in SPSS: unsaturated model

13 Leaving home The log-rate model in GLIM: unsaturated model Occ = Exp * exp[overall + sex] DATA: Occurrence matrix and exposure matrix (2*2) [i] $fit +sex$ [o] scaled deviance = (change = ) at cycle 4 [o] d.f. = (change = ) [o] [i] $d e$ [o] estimate s.e. parameter [o] [o] SEX(2) [o] scale parameter taken as Females 278 = * exp[-4.275] RATE = exp[-4.275] = Males = * exp [ ] RATE = exp [ ] = [i] $d r$ [o] unit observed fitted residual [o] [o] [o] [o]

14 Leaving home The log-rate model in GLIM: unsaturated model Occ = Exp * exp[overall + sex + timing]

15 The log-rate model in GLIM: unsaturated model
Leaving home The log-rate model in GLIM: unsaturated model

16 Leaving home The log-rate model in TDA The basic exponential model with time-constant covariates (Blossfeld and Rohwer, pp. 87ff) Occ = Exp * exp[overall + sex] SN Org Des Episodes Weighted Duration TS Min TF Max Excl Sum Number of episodes: 583 Successfully created new episode data. Idx SN Org Des MT Variable Coeff Error C/Error Signif A Constant A SEX Log likelihood (starting values): Log likelihood (final estimates): command file: data file: test.dat (micro data)

Leaving home LOG-RATE MODEL IN TDA: PROGRAMME # Basic exponential model with covariate SEX nvar( dfile = test.dat, # data file ID = c1, # identification number SN = c2, # spell number TF = c3, # TIME LEAVING HOME (=ENDING TIME) # measured from age 0!!!! TF15 = TF-180, # measured from age 15 SEX = c4, # sex REASON = c5, # reason SEX1 = SEX[1], # see boek p. 61 SEX1 = 1 for females and 0 for males # MALES SEX2 = SEX[2], # = 1 for females DES = if eq(REASON,4) then 0 else 1, # destination TFP = TF15, # Blossfeld: TF+1 !!!!!! ); edef( # define single episode data ts = 0, # starting time tf = TFP, # ending time org = 0, # origin state des = DES, # destination state # BASIC exponential model (Blossfeld-Rohwer p ) rate( xa (0,1) = SEX1, pres = ehd21.res, ) = 2;

18 Related models Parameters of these models are related
Poisson distribution: counts have Poisson distribution (total number not fixed) Poisson regression Log-linear model: model of count data (log of counts) Binomial and multinomial distributions: counts follow multinomial distribution (total number is fixed) Logit model: model of proportions [and odds (log of odds)] Logistic regression Log-rate model: log-linear model with OFFSET (constant term) Parameters of these models are related

19 The unsaturated model Similarity with log-rate model

20 The unsaturated log-linear model
Leaving home The unsaturated log-linear model Assume: two-way classification; counts unknown but marginal totals given Predict the expected counts (cell entries)

21 Leaving home

22 Odds ratio = 1 The unsaturated log-linear model as a log-rate model
Leaving home The unsaturated log-linear model as a log-rate model Odds ratio = 1

23 Leaving home With PMij = 1

24 Update table Update a table Similarity with log-rate model Illustration: migration analysis with incomplete data Migration is a realisation of a Poisson process Literature: “Indirect estimation of migration”, Special issue of Mathematical Population Studies, A. Rogers ed. Vol 7, no 3 (1999)

25 Update table Updating a table: THE LOG-RATE MODEL IN TWO STEPS Odds ratio =

26 Updating a table: THE LOG-RATE MODEL IN TWO STEPS
Update table Updating a table: THE LOG-RATE MODEL IN TWO STEPS

27 Update table

28 Log-rate model: rate = events/exposure
Update table Log-rate model: rate = events/exposure Gravity / spatial interaction model i and j are balancing factors

29 IPF and biproportional adjustment
Update table IPF and biproportional adjustment Log-likelihood function:

30 Biproportional adjustment method
Update table Biproportional adjustment method RAS method (Richard A. Stone: Input-output models, 1962) DSF procedure (DSF = Deming, Stephan, Furness) (Sen and Smith, 1995, p. 374) See e.g. Willekens (1983) Log-linear analysis of spatial interaction

31 Biproportional adjustment
Update table Biproportional adjustment Step 0: s (Step) = 0 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3: go to Step 1 unless convergence criteria is reached. The stopping criterion is reached when the change is the adjustment factors is less than 10-6 for all x and j.

32 Likelihood equations may be written as:
Update table Likelihood equations may be written as: Marginal totals are sufficient statistics

33 A different way of writing the spatial interaction model:
Update table A different way of writing the spatial interaction model: Link Poisson - Multinomial

34 The gravity model is a log-linear model
Update table The gravity model is a log-linear model The entropy model is a log-linear model The RAS model is as log-linear (log-rate) model

35 Update table Parameter estimation Maximise (log) likelihood function: probability that the model predicts the data Expectation: predict E[Nrs] = rs given the model and initial parameter estimates. Maximisation: maximise the ‘complete-data’ log-likelihood.

36 The log-rate model Piecewise constant hazard model
Kidney Transplant Histocompatibility Study The data describe the survival of the kidney graft (organ) following kidney transplant operations. The risk factor 'donor relationship' has two categories, cadaveric nonrelated donor (CAD) and living related donor (LRD). The sample in this follow-up study is 1975 transplant operations. Laird N. and D. Olivier (1981) Covariance analysis of censored survival data using log-linear analysis techniques, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 76, no. 374, pp The authors claim that they go beyond Holford (1980) ‘The analysis of rates and survivorship using log-linear models’, Biometrics, 36: d:\s\data\laird\kidney\laird.doc

37 Life-table data on graft survival
Kidney Transplant Study Life-table data on graft survival Exposure (Exp) is calculated as follows: Exp = [E - 0.5(W + D)]*# in days where E = number entered W = number withdrawn D = number died # = width of interval (the last open interval was taken as having 180 days) 608* *45 d:\s\data\laird\laird_lt.xls

38 Death rates (* 1000; per day)
Kidney Transplant Study Death rates (* 1000; per day)

39 Kidney Transplant Study

40 SPSS Deaths 9-12 m: 107325 * exp[-8.7857+1.0087]=107325*0.0004193=45
Kidney Transplant Study Model: Poisson Design: Constant + TIME SPSS 1 Constant 2 [TIME = 1] 3 [TIME = 2] 4 [TIME = 3] 5 [TIME = 4] 6 [TIME = 5] 7 [TIME = 6] 8 [TIME = 7] 9 [TIME = 8] 10 [TIME = 9] 11 [TIME = 10] 12 [TIME = 11] 13 [TIME = 12] 14 [TIME = 13] 15 [TIME = 14] 16 [TIME = 15] 17x[TIME = 16] Parameter Estimate SE Deaths 9-12 m: * exp[ ]=107325* =45

41 Kidney Transplant Study
Model: Poisson Design: Constant + DONOR TYPE + TIME (unsaturated model) Estimate SE Constant [CAD = 1.00] x [LRD = 2.00] [P1 = 1] [P1 = 2] [P1 = 3] [P1 = 4] [P1 = 5] [P1 = 6] [P1 = 7] [P1 = 8] [P1 = 9] [P1 = 10] [P1 = 11] [P1 = 12] [P1 = 13] [P1 = 14] [P1 = 15] x [P1 = 16] Deaths 9-12 m: * exp[ ]=53370* =31.49 Observed: 30

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