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Check Fun, is it fun? The customer satisfaction of Check Fun

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1 Check Fun, is it fun? The customer satisfaction of Check Fun
Professor: Charlie Trappey Team member: 王培凌 李侃紋 洪雅涵 危芷燕

2 Agenda Introduction Literature Review Hypothesis Research Method
The Questionnaires Results & Discussion

3 Introduction(Taiwan)
Date: 2007 August The first store: NTNU branch in Taipei Service: Rent Box

4 Inside

5 In Japan and HK Hong Kong Checker Depot 格仔鋪 China King Box Boxes Shop

6 Concept The main concept is “share rent”
It costs you only $1358-$1858 to rent a box

7 Location

8 Physical store has high rental
Business model Physical store has high rental E-store Check Fun

9 Target customers Students Female

10 Competitor-Art Collec

11 Competitor-Art Collec

12 Competitor-Art Collec

13 Motivation Surrounding by many new competitors How can Check Fun beat them? How can Check Fun win customer loyalty?

14 Literature Review Perceived performance is defined as beliefs regarding the products attributes, levels of attributes, or outcomes. ( Calotte, Woodruff, and Jenkins 1987) Performance as a direct antecedent of satisfaction (e.g, Oliver 1980; Oliver and DeSarbo 1988) Customer satisfaction is widely recognized as a key influence in the formation of consumers' future purchase intentions (Taylor and Baker, 1994)

15 Literature Review Customer loyalty as been and continues to be defined in some circles as repeat purchasing frequency or relative volume of same-brand purchasing (Tellis, 1988). In Oliver(1997) In Oliver’s six representations of satisfaction and loyalty suggests that satisfaction is an ingredient of loyalty but only one of its components Satisfaction Loyalty

16 Perceived performance is positive related to customer loyalty
Hypotheses Overall Satisfaction Customer Loyalty Perceived performance Staff Service Environment Product H1 (+) H2 (+) H3 (+) Perceived performance is positive related to customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction is positive related to customer loyalty

17 The distribution of sex
Sample Data Randomly select our samples on the internet or interviewed the shoppers in Check Fun Collect totally 97 samples and 44 samples are valid 23% 77% The distribution of sex The age of samples

18 Sample Data The samples are mostly students with disposable income arranged from NT5,001 to NT 10,000

19 Sample Data The frequency of visiting Check Fun is about once a month
Most of the customers do only window shopping

20 Analysis and Research Finding
Evaluate the data collected with five point Likert Scale Average the quantified figures in each segment

21 Analysis and Research Finding
ANOVA of model 1 The sample regression of model 2 Model 1 SS d.f. MS F test P-value Regression .104 1 1.245 .271 Error 3.518 42 .08375 Total 3.622 43 Model 2 Estimator of coefficient Standard error t P-value Constant -1.619 .867 -1.866 .069 Performance .658 .146 4.495 .000 Satisfaction .741 .248 2.994 .005

22 Discussion and Conclusion
Reasons of low repurchase intention Check Fun is a disorganized store The products do not have a theme Customers can always find cheaper products on the Internet Comments Improve the quality control Select more interesting goods Do more classification Mark the price more clearly Make a clearer positioning

23 Thanks for listening

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