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Presentation on theme: "Hysterotomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hysterotomy


3 Definition Hysterotomy is an operative procedure of extracting the products of conception out of the womb before the 28th week by cutting through the anterior wall of the uterus. The operation is usually done through the abdominal route but can be done vaginally too.

4 Indications  Medical termination of pregnancy
 Evacuation of molar pregnancy  Painless vaginal bleeding in mid trimester pregnancy

5 Steps Vertical incision on the lower segment after reflecting the loose peritoneum of the utero-vesicle pouch

6 Extrusion of the products of conception through the uterine incision

7 First and second layer of continuous sutures apposing the muscles, using round bodied needle with catgut no ‘0’

8 Closure of the peritoneum by continuous sutures

9 Complications Immediate Remote Uterine bleeding Menstrual abnormality
Peritonitis Intestinal obstruction Anesthesia hazards Remote Menstrual abnormality Scar endometriosis Scar rupture in subsequent pregnancy

10 Thank you

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