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Warm Up # 33 What conditions would need to exist for Communist Ideas to become popular and possibly spark revolution?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up # 33 What conditions would need to exist for Communist Ideas to become popular and possibly spark revolution?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up # 33 What conditions would need to exist for Communist Ideas to become popular and possibly spark revolution?

2 Essential Question pg. 18 Examine what conditions existed in Russia which lead to a Communist Revolution.

3 Conditions in Russia that led to Revolution
Working conditions and peasant life was brutal Later Industrialization than W. Europe 11-12 hours/day, 6 day/week Poor safety and sanitation Low wages A few elite owned most of the land

4 Bloody Sunday Bloody Sunday Jan. 1905
Unarmed protesters at the Winter Palace killed by soldiers

5 Tsar Nicholas II Also know as Nicholas Romanov
Absolute Monarch – believed in divine right Spends time on the battlefield Wife, Alexandra, in charged Advised by Rasputin Ignores cries for democracy

6 World War I makes things worse
Needed more factory goods Bankrupted government Distracted the Tsar Huge # of soldiers dead/injured


8 SUHUPU What are some of the conditions that exist in Russia that are leading to revolution?

9 February Revolution 1917 Protest occur in Petrograd
Factory workers go on mass strike Rallies held calling for bread – mostly women Police called in to stop demonstrations, but are weak and unable. They are taken captive by radicals Tsar Nicholas abdicates (gives up thrown) Shipped home and placed under house arrest with family. Provisional government put in place Not that different from Tsar

10 The Bolsheviks Led by Vladimir Lenin Want to bring Communism to Russia
Red Party

11 October Revolution 1917 Bolsheviks overthrow provisional government
End involvement in WWI Immediately face and win Civil War Red Army (Bolsheviks) v. White Army (anti-Bolsheviks)

12 Crash Course 8:24-9:38

13 Bolshevik Rule The Red Terror Execute Tsar Nicholas and family
50,000 – 1,000,000 deaths Eliminate counter revolutionaries or members of upper class Execute Tsar Nicholas and family Create the Union Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Communist Land redistributed (collectivized)

14 Joseph Stalin Takes over after Lenin dies
Goals: Industrialization and Collectivism at any cost Develops a Cult of Personality Correctional work camps Kill any challengers = Great Purge Dictator

15 Essential Question Examine what conditions existed in Russia which lead to a Communist Revolution.

16 Epic History

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