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Partners in Advocacy Program

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1 Partners in Advocacy Program
NJAMHAA’s Partners in Advocacy Program

2 Partners in Advocacy Overview
Government Structure NJAMHAA 2018 Priorities Resources How You Can Participate Questions

3 Legislature and Executive Branch
40 State Legislative Districts: 40 Senators (1 per District) 80 Assemblymembers (2 per District) Power Structure: Leadership Committee Chairs

4 Key Leadership Senate: Assembly: Senate President
Senate Majority Leader Chairs of Key Committees Assembly: Speaker of the Assembly Assembly Majority Leader

5 Key Committees Senate: Budget and Appropriations
Community and Urban Affairs Education Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Law and Public Safety

6 Key Committees Assembly: Appropriations Budget
Health and Senior Services Human Services Law and Public Safety Regulated Professions Women and Children

7 Administration Administration:
Oversees 22 State Departments, many with their own Divisions and Agencies Key Departments: Human Services Health Children and Families Banking and Insurance Community Affairs Treasury Law and Public Safety

8 Administration Key Divisions: Mental Health and Addiction Services
Medical Assistance and Health Services (Medicaid) Children’s System of Care Developmental Disabilities

9 New Jersey Budget Cycle
Fiscal Year of July 1st through June 30th Time when everything is considered: Programs Subsidies Taxes etc. Governor Initiates/Has Advantage Line Item Veto Authority Must be Balanced Fiscal Budgets can be re-opened during the year making budget advocacy a constant process

10 New Jersey Budget Cycle
Key Points in the Budget Cycle: State of the State Address Budget Address Governor’s Proposed Budget Public Legislative Budget Hearings Departmental Budget Hearings Assembly and Senate Budget Bills Governor’s Vetoes Veto Overrides

11 Priorities 2018 Rates: FFS Safety Net Funding
FFS Oversight Board: Review of All Rates for Adequacy Add Children’s Rates to Study Inflationary Factor for All Medicaid Rates FFS Safety Net Funding Funding for Bricks and Mortar Pass Screening and EISS Expansion Bills Mechanism for Fiscal Impact Analysis of Legislation and Regulations Parity Enforcement

12 Resources NJAMHAA website: Advocacy:
Advocacy Resources Current Advocacy/Issues Legislation (including State Budget) Partners in Advocacy NJAMHAA in the News: News Stories Op-eds Letters to the Editor Press Releases New Jersey Legislature website: for district, addresses, calendars, Committee assignments, etc.

13 NJAMHAA Website

14 Website: Advocacy Resources


16 NJ Legislature: Find Your Legislator Page



19 Website: Legislation Page


21 Legislative Outreach Responding to NJAMHAA Alerts Impact
s/Calls/Meetings Calling is easy! Meetings Who to Bring NJAMHAA Resources Follow Up With: Legislators NJAMHAA


23 Partners in Advocacy All it requires is a commitment to responding to alerts and building relationships with elected officials Submitting testimony, written or in person Now organized by legislative district - many are empty!

24 Questions?

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