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Presentation on theme: "Propaganda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Propaganda

2 Propaganda The spreading of ideas or information with the intent of influencing others. Commonly used in advertising or media. Known for stretching the truth for the speaker’s own purpose. Done through WORD GAMES and SPECIAL APPEALS Effective when the audience doesn’t examine the evidence.

3 Repetition Building recognition of the product, person, or idea by constantly repeating key ideas. In order to be effective, it must be short and easy to remember.

4 Glittering Generalities
Words of praise for a product or person that are overly vague or have little depth. The speaker hopes the audience will associate the positive symbol or word with their idea.

5 Euphemisms Making an unpleasant reality seem more pleasant by using bland or unloaded words. “Shell shock” vs. “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder” What is an example from Animal Farm of this?

6 Bandwagon Everyone else is doing it….
Plays on the idea that no one wants to be left out.

7 Plain Folks Convincing the audience the idea is “of the people”
The idea will benefit the average person, not just the elite or underprivileged.

8 Name Calling Links a person or idea to a negative symbol
The speaker hopes the audience will associate the negativity with the person or idea and therefore come to dislike the idea or person.

9 Fear Can be positive or negative
Playing on the audience’s fear of the consequences of doing or not doing a particular act.

10 Rhetorical Question Questions with obvious answers that are meant to provoke thought in the audience. Questions that aren’t meant to be answered. Examples: How far must we go to create peace? Teacher: Do I really want you getting up to sharpen your pencil now instead of listening to the directions?

11 Testimonial Having some kind of celebrity or authoritative figure recommend a product/ endorse a public figure.

12 Propaganda Assignment
Now it’s your turn to create a piece of your own propaganda. You need to create an advertisement on a poster that portrays at least two of the types of propaganda we have discussed. It can either be selling a product or a political ideology. You will also need a paragraph explaining the type of propaganda you use, either on a separate paper or on the back of the poster. Things you will need to include in your paragraph: what type of propaganda your advertisement is, which rhetorical appeals it uses, a description of the advertisement itself, and why the propaganda will work on the general public.

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