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RCGP Guidance Supporting Information.

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Presentation on theme: "RCGP Guidance Supporting Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 RCGP Guidance Supporting Information

2 Summary What is new? Scope of Practice CPD and ‘impact’
Quality improvement activities

3 Certificates The new Guide makes it clear that there is no need to routinely scan certificates for CPD (although GPs may wish to keep particular certificates e.g. those relevant to statutory and mandatory training defined by their employer).

4 Scope of work Any separate role requiring licence to practice to be included Over the five year revalidation cycle, the GP should reflect on how they keep up to date, review their performance and reflect on any SUIs or complaints, in each of the roles in their scope of work

5 CPD credits All learning activities, including:
Learning arising from QIA activities Learning from SEAs and SUIs Learning from MSF, Complaints + compliments Learning from personal reading and professional conversations As well as formal CPD, PDP etc All are eligible for CPD credits providing that they are documented appropriately with reflection

6 CPD credits 50 credits then think about stopping One hour= one credit
No doubling 50 credits then think about stopping One hour= one credit One day- one note No learning… ?

7 Quality Improvement Activity[QIA]
Wide variety Relate to scope of work Options: audit/ data collection, searches, etc Plus….. Reflections on surveys No fixed volume “reasonable and proportionate” Accent on driving reflection

8 GP SEA -definition Discussion of any situation where, on reflection, the GP feels that their patient care could have been better SEAs can be discussed at the practice [ideally, if the event has implications for the practice ] or in a learning group The write up should include lessons learnt, areas for future learning and actions taken as a result of SEA Events where care was exemplary and from which lessons of good practice were learned can also be included

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