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Emergence and Expansion of ISLAM

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1 Emergence and Expansion of ISLAM
World History: Grade 8

2 Muhammad This one! Not this Muhammad!

3 Muhammad Born 570 CE (Common Era) in the city of Mecca (Saudi Arabia)
Parents died when young and never learned to read or write Married a widow who was involved in trade; he got involved in trade as a result

4 Muhammad At age 40, while praying in a cave, the angel Gabriel revealed to him special revelations. Muhammad was to be the messenger of God Muhammed returned to his wife and began spreading the teachings he learned. Muhammad began to develop a code of behavior that he said had come from Allah

5 Emergence of ISLAM People who accepted Muhammad's teachings came to be known as Muslims and their religion Islam Islam: Arabic word meaning “surrender to the will of Allah” Hijra: migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina 630 CE Muhammad returned to Mecca with an army and recaptured the city

6 Emergence of ISLAM Muhammad died in 632, and it was left to his followers to carry on the traditions he had begun. During the two centuries after Muhammad's death, the laws of Islam were codified in the Shariah (sacred law), and Muhammad was regarded as the last and most perfect prophet.

7 Qur'an The word of God was recorded in the Arabic language in the Koran (or Qur’an) as it was revealed to Muhammad. Important to Muslims as the Bible is to Christians and the Torah is to the Jews The Qur'an reveals the “five pillars” of Islam, the five ritual expressions that define orthodox Muslim religious belief

The foundation for Muslim life; Muslims regard these pillars as sacred duties. FAITH PRAYER ALMSGIVING FAST HAJJ

9 Shahada Declaration of Faith FAITH
Muslims must regularly declare the belief that there is only one God, Allah, and that Muhammad is God’s messenger

10 Salat Prayer Prayer Muslims must pray five times each day, facing the direction of the holy city of Mecca. Muslims are faithful; stopping whatever they are doing to pray. Some gather in a house of worship called a mosque

11 Zakat Almsgiving/Charity Almsgiving Muslims must give alms,
or money that goes to the needy

12 Sawm Fast Fasting Muslims must fast during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan

13 Hajj Pilgrimage Religious Journey SEE THE HAJJ
Muslims must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least one time in their lives if they are able Worship at the Kaaba (black stone meteorite that is believed to be sent from heaven) SEE THE HAJJ

14 Expansion of Islam The Islamic state expanded very rapidly after the death of Muhammad in 632 CE Islam spread east into: Borders of northern India and China Islam spread north into: Persia (present day Iran) Islam spread west into: North Africa Iberian Peninsula

15 Spread Northwest Birthplace of Islam Spread North Spread West Spread East

16 HOW did Islam spread? Arab merchants traveled to many parts of Asia, North Africa, and along the Mediterranean coast Many traders were Muslim and spread their religious beliefs Arab armies also conquered neighboring regions Theme of Geography: MOVEMENT

17 Expansion of Islam Arab armies united by beliefs
Islam taught that Muslim warriors who died in the service of Islam would win a place in paradise Lure of riches from conquered lands also an incentive Some found message of Islam appealing Muslims tolerant of conquered peoples, could still believe as they wished, but were taxed

18 “The Golden Age” of Islam
Under rule of caliphs empire developed and grew in wealth Muslim fleets controlled Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean Great deal of trade, set up banks, issued letters of credit…thriving economy

19 “The Golden Age” of Islam
Muslim Culture Lasted CE Advances/contributions made to: Mathematics and Science Literature Architecture

20 “The Golden Age” of Islam
Mathematics and Science Islamic scholars translated Greek, Indian and Persian texts, studied them, and helped to further investigations in the areas of math, science and medicine

21 “The Golden Age” of Islam
Literature Other forms of literature, but poetry was particularly important Used to teach their ideas and beliefs

22 “The Golden Age” of Islam
Architecture Pointed Arches Domes


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