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Presentation on theme: "Microscopes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microscopes

2 Light Microscopes Focuses visible light rays through the specimen
Can view living organisms When using: Always start on low power (40X) Use the fine and course adjustment to focus Move to medium power(100X) Use fine adjustment to focus Move to high power (400X)(if possible) Use only the fine adjustment NEVER USE THE HIGHEST/LONGEST OBJECTIVE

3 Light Microscope

4 Electron Microscopes Focuses beams of electrons
Used to study small specimens (1000x more detail than light microscope) Can only view dead organisms

5 Types of Electron Microscopes
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron pass through thin specimen Gives great detail

6 Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Electrons pass across the surface of the specimen Gives great 3-images

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