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Redesign Family Meeting

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1 Redesign Family Meeting
Fairview Elementary Redesign Family Meeting Thursday, August 30, 2018

2 Welcome Fairview Elementary Families!
We know our students are just as capable as any students across the US. Every day we are committed to ensuring that our students have the opportunity to grow and thrive so they can reach their full potential. Our school and district has put a plan in place over the next three years to ensure that every teacher is prepared to provide each of our students with the skills they need to be successful.

3 Key Components of Our School Improvement Plan
Implementation of approved Tier I curriculum and assessments aligned to the Louisiana State Student Standards. Extensive training for our teachers in the use of the curriculum and assessments being implemented. Implementation of the Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) to support our teachers in their efforts to improve their instruction and professional practice.

4 School Performance: Understanding LEAP Achievement Levels
LEAP 2025 is divided into five levels of achievement. Our goal over the next several years is for every student to reach at least “Mastery” which signals readiness for the next grade level. LEVEL 5 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 ADVANCED MASTERY BASIC APPROACHING BASIC UNSATISFACTORY Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Approached Expectations Partially Met Expectations Did Not Meet Expectations

5 LEAP Trends Over Time Subject - % Basic and Above 2015-2016 2016-2017
ELA 54.9 49.2 39.3 Math 59.7 34 32.7

6 Our School Redesign Goals
The number of our students scoring Mastery or above on LEAP 2015 assessments will increase by 3% yearly. Our school’s letter grade will rise to a “C” or higher by the end of our three year plan. At least 90% of our teachers will be certified in the subject in which they teach each year. The average daily attendance rate for students will be 93% or higher. Insert the goals and priorities outlined in your school redesign plan.

7 Working Together for School Improvement
We are committed to providing families with meaningful, two-way communication about our school’s plan and your child’s academic progress throughout the year. Here are ways you can partner with us to meet our plan’s goals: Communicate with us: Contact your child’s teacher with questions about your child’s progress, learning needs, or school events/programs. * Look for daily behavior calendars in your child’s binder, monthly newsletters from the school, messages through our social media, CPSB website, and marquee. Support learning at home: Visit our Parent Center to learn more about supporting your child’s learning at home. Use this slide to insert information about how parents should communicate with your school throughout the school year to help support the school’s goals.

8 Thank You Lori Bertrand- Principal 337-217-4490
Nancy Johnson- Assistant Principal

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