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OMR use 1989 through 1997 Another evaluation study on the USE of the BID systems in the CBPR. Of interest here is the entering of problem lists and notes.

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Presentation on theme: "OMR use 1989 through 1997 Another evaluation study on the USE of the BID systems in the CBPR. Of interest here is the entering of problem lists and notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 OMR use 1989 through 1997 Another evaluation study on the USE of the BID systems in the CBPR. Of interest here is the entering of problem lists and notes by clinicians. The BID group have verified that the of an effective CBPR is independent of age, sex, or previous computer experience. “If I press the ENTER key and obtain the relevant information I need in a timely, reliable manner then I will use the system. 16 January 2019

2 OMR: New Medications by Year
Another BID evaluation study by D. Sands of the BID CBPR on medications entered into the system. It also reflects the changing focus of care from IP to OP care. 16 January 2019

3 OMR Problems by Year Entering of problems into the BID system from 1989 with emphasis on the changing focus of care. Note also the frequency of notes entered. The system is USED by clinicians. 16 January 2019

4 OMR Notes by Year Notes are entered by clinicians in specialized clinics and outpatients. Note also the frequency of notes entered into the system. 16 January 2019

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