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Qur`an Appreciation.

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1 Qur`an Appreciation

2 QA

3 QA Lesson 7 LO: Summary of Verses 19-21 Examining reliance on Allah (swt) Starter: How many Suwer in the Holy Qur`an are named after Prophets? Can you give their Names? Answer: Yunus (as) Hud (as) Yusuf (as) Ibrahim (as) Muhammed (saw) Nuh (as)

4 Studying Verses 19-21 QA Vs 19:
Prophet Yusuf (as) spent a number of days (narrations differ here some say 3 others day 10) in the well alone and anxious But he never lost faith in Allah (swt) and relied on Him – knowing that He will help him to get out of the well When a caravan of travellers stopped at the well to get water he seized the opportunity to free himself of the well and held onto the rope to be hoisted up

5 Studying Verses 19-21 QA Vs 19: وَجَاءَتْ سَيَّارَةٌ فَأَرْسَلُوا وَارِدَهُمْ فَأَدْلَىٰ دَلْوَهُ ۖ قَالَ يَا بُشْرَىٰ هَٰذَا غُلَامٌ ۚ وَأَسَرُّوهُ بِضَاعَةً ۚ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِمَا يَعْمَلُونَ There came a caravan, and they sent their water-drawer, who let down his bucket. ‘Good news!’ he said. ‘This is a young boy!’ Prophet Yusuf (as) seized his chance to get out of the well – he found himself a solution when given the opportunity So they hid him as [a piece of] merchandise, and Allah knew best what they were doing. Those who brought him out of the well knew they could make money from selling him Allah (swt) is always Aware of everything, nothing is hidden from Him. He is always with you even when you feel alone [12:19] Three things to note from this verse

6 Studying Verses 19-21 QA Vs 20:
Prophet Yusuf (as) was sold in the slave market for just a few dirhams – his captors had underestimated his worth Most commentaries say that Prophet Yusuf’s (as) brothers actually sold him to the caravan of travellers this is what is being referred to when the Holy Qur`an states that Allah (swt) knew what they were doing

7 Studying Verses 19-21 QA Extended Learning: A Related Story
On the night of Hijrah the Quraysh had blocked all the roads leading to Yathrib when they found out that he was missing from his house. They hired trackers and announced a reward of 100 camels for finding the Holy Prophet (saw). The companion travelling with the Holy Prophet (saw) got worried that he would be in trouble if discovered The Holy Prophet (saw) reassured him that Allah (swt) is with them and He will protect them.

8 Studying Verses 19-21 QA Extended Learning: A Related Story
When the trackers arrived at the cave they saw that a spider’s web blocked the entrance of the cave and wild pigeons had built a nest and laid eggs in it. They knew that nobody could have entered the cave without damaging the web. They returned without looking inside the cave. Allah protected his beloved messenger by this miracle.

9 Studying Verses 19-21 QA Vs 21:
The governor of Egypt bought him and brought him back to the palace He said to his wife Zulaikha, who was a very beautiful woman, treat him with honour as he may be of use to them or suggested that they could adopt him as a son, as they didn’t have any children. Prophet Yusuf (as) saw two different sides of the city - One side was the magnificent splendour of Pharoah and his great wealth. On the other side of the city he saw poverty and slavery.

10 How did Prophet Yusuf (as) do both? How should we rely on Allah (swt):
Plenary QA Group work: - Can you explain how to rely on Allah (swt) but at the same time try to come up solutions to your problems yourself? Is this not contradictory? Can you give examples? Thinking Points: How did Prophet Yusuf (as) do both? Get children to discuss in groups and then bring together for a class discussion How should we rely on Allah (swt): When we want something? During Exams?

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