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2 Agenda Employee Deduction/Benefit Program
HEDED11A.FMX – Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits Making Changes and Adjustments Deduction/Benefits Inquiries Employee Inquiry Employee Selection – HESEL01A.FMX Deduction/Benefit Reports Employee Deduction/Benefits Utilities HEUTL16A.FMX – Mass Load Employee Deductions HEUTL17A.FMX – Mass Load Employee Ded Ben Adjustments HHUTL11A.FMX – Ded/Ben History Utility Employee Services Portal - Employee Benefits and Deductions

3 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX

4 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits – HEDED11A.FMX

5 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX

6 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX
Easier to use Use to Add or change Employee’s payroll taxes, deduction and benefits Each tab only has functionality needed Example: Deductions does not have Enc Details button Change HEDED11A.FMX on GO Menu replacing HEDED01A.FMX HEDED01A.FMX, HEDED01B.FMX and HETAX01A.FMX will eventually be retired; no longer maintaining those programs.

7 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX
Additional Functionality Includes: Ability to tailor Ded/Bens screens to meet your district’s needs Ded/Bens appear on either Taxes, Ded/Ben or Other tabs Set up User Security to limit viewing of Ded/Ben (tabs) to reflect what is needed for an employee’s role Taxes screen tracks Exemptions and Additional Withholding on screen Define Corresponding Ded/Ben to automatically add corresponding Ded/Ben Set Profile key gives error or warning if changing Ded/Ben with YTD value Link Deduction/Benefit records to one or more employee job records Use Job Link option for voluntary deductions; not designed for taxes, garnishments and retirement deductions

8 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Setup
Profiles – AMPROF01A.FMX HEDED11A_ALLOW_UPD_PLAN HEDED11A_INITIAL_TAB Users – AMSEC05A.FMX Show Emp Ded/Ben Tab: Taxes Ded/Ben Other Check tabs user is allowed to access Deduction/Benefit Master HMDED02A.FMX Employee Ded/Ben Tab field Assign Ded/Ben records to appropriate tab Assign Corr Code and Corr Plan Used for Ded/Bens assigned to Ded/Ben Tab using corresponding features

YTD – allows user to change employee Ded/Ben Plan when YTD amount exists Warning will display – Continue or not? N – User may not change an employee’s Ded/Ben Plan when YTD amount exists Error will display – hard halt HEDED11A_INITIAL_TAB Identifies which tab is displayed when program is opened

10 User Security – AMSEC05A.FMX Defaults/Misc Tab
Assign tabs user is allowed to access

11 User Security – AMSEC05A.FMX Defaults/Misc Tab

12 Deduction/Benefit Master HMDED02A.FMX

13 Deduction/Benefit Master HMDED02A.FMX
Assign Deductions and Benefits to appropriate tab Ded/Ben Tab - D Other Tab – O Taxes Tab – T Taxes Tab option will only be available if assigned one of the following Deduction/Benefit Classes or Pay Types: FED, STA, PLOC, PUNE, SSD, SSB, MEDD, MEDB If Ded/Ben Class or Pay Type is not listed above, Taxes Tab will not be an option when attaching to Employee Ded/Ben Tab Taxes can be listed on Ded/Ben or Other tab if Taxes tab not being used List non-tax Ded/Bens only on Ded/Ben or Other tab Assign deductions and benefits to ONLY one tab

14 Deduction/Benefit Master HMDED02A.FMX Corresponding Ded/Ben Plans

15 Deduction/Benefit Master HMDED02A.FMX Corresponding Ded/Ben Plans
Use Deduction/Benefit Master HMDED02A.FMX to set up corresponding deduction and benefit plans Define Corr Code and Corr Plan for each deduction and benefit with a corresponding “mate” Define in both Deduction and Benefit When deduction or benefit added to employee, corresponding benefit or deduction is automatically added Examples: Add RETB/01, RETD/0750 is automatically added Add medical deduction “with family”, medical benefit “with family” is automatically added

16 Deduction/Benefit Master HMDED02A.FMX Corresponding Ded/Ben Plans

17 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A
Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Filtering Employee Taxes/Deduction/Benefits Form Effective Date Ded/Bens listed will display only active records as of that date Date greater than or equal to start date and less than or equal to end date List Displays all Ded/Ben records for employee that meet filter criteria Use Current Date as Effective Date Filter Ded/Ben records active as of today Include Pending Includes future Ded/Ben records on list with start date greater than effective date

18 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A
Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Filtering Employee Taxes/Deduction/Benefits Form

19 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A
Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Filtering Employee Taxes/Deduction/Benefits Form Benefits and Deductions appear on appropriate side of screen Ded/Bens are listed alphanumerically be deduction/benefit code Corr Plan is listed on screen fills in when adding a code if applicable Deductions side only shows Deductions in Code Plan drop down Benefits side only shows Benefits in Code Plan drop down Benefits side has Enc Details button and Deductions does not Ded/Bens are listed alphanumerically by deduction/benefit code Provides additional filtering capabilities

20 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A
Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Filtering Employee Taxes/Deduction/Benefits Form Corresponding Only Display only benefit records with corresponding deductions Search Code Select Ded/Ben Code/Plan from list to display selected code - Click Search button Leave blank and click Search button to display all codes Cafeteria Check box is selected if Ded/Ben is added as part of Cafeteria Software solution Encumber # Premiums Type number of premiums remaining for current fiscal year if encumbering

21 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Taxes Tab

22 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Taxes Tab
Use to view and maintain Federal, State, Local, Social Security/Medicare and Unemployment tax deductions and benefits To appear on Taxes Tab, the following rules apply: Federal – Pay Class = FED State – Pay Class = STA Local – Pay Type = PLOC Unemployment - Pay Type = PUNE Social Security - Pay Class = SSD, SSB or SSBS Medicare – Pay Class = MEDD or MEDB Screen divided by type of tax – Federal, State, Local, SS/Medicare, Unemployment

23 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Taxes Tab
Federal and State Tax Exemptions and Additional Withholding appear and can be adjusted on Taxes screen

24 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Other Tab

25 Employee Taxes/Deductions/Benefits –HEDED11A.FMX Other Tab
Use to view and maintain additional benefits or deduction not appears on the Taxes or Ded/Ben tab These could include Annuities Dues United Way and other misc deductions

26 Functionality Buttons
Account button Adj button Enc Details button Summary button Details button Jobs button

27 Account Functionality Button
Account button Use for Employee Ded/Ben Account Override Set up account mask to designate accounts for distribution purposes instead of accounting distribution defined in Ded/Ben Master

28 Adj Functionality Button
Adj button Use to enter an adjustment for selected Ded/Ben for employee

29 Adj Button Functionality
Increase/Decrease Use to increase or decrease an active Ded/Ben amount Negative gives money back and positive withholds additional money Replace Replace the original Ded/Ben amount or percentage Factor Use to increase or decrease the original Ded/Ben amount using a factor Factor is multiplied by original Ded/Ben amount to calculate amount to be used Inactivate Use to stop or inactivate Ded/Ben from being taken Refund Use to increase or decrease amount of an inactive Ded/Ben Refund is only option that is taken even if Ded/Ben code is not in Ded/Ben pay group Override If checked does not effect period limit

30 Enc Details Functionality Button
Enc Details button Shows details of encumbrance and liquidation of encumbrance if Ded/Ben is encumbered

31 Summary Functionality Button
Summary button Use to view a summary of an employee’s Ded/Ben record This form is view-only; make changes in Details

32 Details Functionality Button
Details button Use to maintain Ded/Ben limits and view period amounts and other misc information

33 Jobs Functionality Button
Jobs button Only available on Ded/Ben tab and Other tab Use to link job codes to individual Ded/Bens to be processed when job is included in payroll processing Not designed for % Ded/Bens like taxes, garnishments or retirement deductions When payroll is run, Ded/Ben is calculated only for jobs linked to Ded/Ben You must manually remove a job when it no longer applies

34 Making Changes and Adjustments
Define amounts and percentages in Deduction/Benefit Master if possible Amounts and percentage changes in Employee Ded/Ben in the white area are overrides Amounts and percentages in the grayed out fields are from Employee Master Changes can be made two ways: Amounts or percentages can just be changed End Date existing and Start Date new amount or percentages This is good to leave an audit trail This is good if running payroll and need to use two different amounts Do not overlap dates Use Employee Adj button for one-time changes for an employee

35 Making Changes and Adjustments

36 Making Changes and Adjustments

37 Making Changes and Adjustments

38 Employee Inquiry (Drill Down)

39 Employee Inquiry – Deductions and Benefits

40 Employee Inquiry – Flex Spending

41 Employee Inquiry – Bill Boyette

42 Employee Selection – HESEL01A.FMX

43 Employee Selection – HESEL01A.FMX

44 Deduction/Benefit Reports
Employee Reports Employee Ded/Ben Master Listing – By Employee – HEDED01A.REP** Employee Ded/Ben Exemptions/Add Withholding – HEDED01D.REP** Employee Ded Bens By Ded Ben Code – HEDED02A.REP Missing Employee Deductions & Benefits – HEDED03A.REP History Reports Historic Ded/Ben Report by Employee - HHDED02A.REP** Ded/Ben by Ded/Ben Codes Historic Report – HHDED01A.REP** Detail or Summary Ded/Ben by Ded/Ben Code/Plan Historic Report – HHDED01B.REP Detail or Summary and run by Location **Spreadsheet Ready

45 Employee Ded/Ben Master Listing – HEDED01A.REP*

46 Emp Ded/Ben Exempt/Add Withholding – HEDED01D.REP
Create and use Ded Ben Group for Federal Taxes Include State Taxes if applicable Effective Date will limit to current information only

47 Employee Ded/Bens By Ded Ben Code – HEDED02A.REP

48 Missing Emp Deductions & Benefits – HEDED03A.REP

49 Historic Ded/Ben Report by Employee - HHDED02A.REP

50 Ded/Ben by Ded/Ben Codes Historic – HHDED01A.REP

51 Ded/Ben by Ded/Ben Codes Historic – HHDED01A.REP

52 Ded/Ben by Ded/Ben Code/Plan Historic – HDED01B.REP

53 Employee Deduction/Benefits Utilities
HEUTL16A.FMX – Mass Load Employee Deductions HEUTL17A.FMX – Mass Load Employee Ded Ben Adjustments HHUTL11A.FMX – Ded/Ben History Utility

54 Mass Load Employee Deductions – HEUTL16A.FMX

55 Mass Load Employee Deductions – HEUTL16A.FMX
Use to maintain employee benefit/deductions by employee category. Add a new Ded/Ben record to a group of employees Change the deduction amount Update Ded/Ben records with blank end dates Add a plan for a group of employees already assigned the corresponding Ded/Ben Assign an end date to a currently assigned benefit/deduction record Select the group of employees to be updated by any of following: contract year, Ded/Ben code, employee category group and/or job code Prior to mass-assigning Ded/Ben to a group of employees, Ded/Ben must be added in Ded/Ben Master

56 Mass Load Employee Deductions – HEUTL16A.FMX
For example, your organization has re-negotiated its insurance costs for full-time employees, which resulted in a new deduction amount. You can use the Mass Load Employee Deductions utility to: Assign an end date to the current insurance deduction. Create a new deduction record for each full-time employee that participates in the insurance program. You can specify the start date on which the new deduction will go into effect. Refer to the Guide to Tools & Utilities for alio HRS for more information

57 Mass Load Emp Ded Ben Adjustments – HEUTL17A.FMX

58 Mass Load Emp Ded Ben Adjustments – HEUTL17A.FMX
Use to mass load a Ded/Ben adjustment record for a group of employees that meet selected criteria Select the group of employees to be updated by any of following: contract year, Ded/Ben code, Ded/Ben plan employee category group and/or job code Create adjustment records to Increase/Decrease, Factor, Refund, Replace or Inactivate Type minus sign (-) in front of amount to decrease the deduction amount Selection can be made to inactivate existing adjustments or auto adjust dates to end date existing adjustments Refer to the Guide to Tools & Utilities for alio HRS for more information

59 Ded/Ben History Utility – HHUTL11A.FMX
Use to change or load YTD amounts for Ded/Bens for W2

60 Ded/Ben History Utility – HHUTL11A.FMX
Developed for schools who are self-insured or have Medical Health Clinics Ability to edit and load amounts into Ded/Ben History table Use to change or load YTD amounts for Ded/Bens for W2 Employee information is extracted based on Employee Category Group, Contract Year and Check Start and End Dates. Current YTD amount extracted based on the Ded/Ben Code. Employee amounts can be edited After verification Amounts loaded into Employee Ded/Ben history Creates Employee Ded/Ben record, Ded/Ben History record and Check History if not already exists Refer to Guide to W-2 Processing for more information

61 Employee Services Portal Employee Benefits and Deductions
Deduction and benefit request processing function basically the same way. Admin sets up ded/ben groups which determines what group of employees sees the group as well as what plans are presented to the employees. The General Information section at the top is for custom instructions for the employee. This section can be hidden if not used. The request displays employee’s existing plans as well as new plans. They can choose to update the existing plan or make a new selection. In my example in the Deduction Group Information section, you will see the Enrollment Period is 04/01 – 04/30. However, the deduction group is defined to allow changes outside the Enrollment Period. You could explain in this situation the employee may have a life change that qualifies them to make a different selection. They have the ability to attach supporting documentation to the request to prove the life change.

62 Employee Services Portal Employee Benefits and Deductions
Employees can use the Deductions and Benefits page to view their assigned deductions and benefits as well as any adjustments that they may have setup. Admin options control whether this page is displayed and whether or not they want to display all ded/bens or just the active ded/bens.

63 Before Calling Support
Review each prerequisite Provide the following screenshots Error message Parameter form Results, along with the expected results Pre-req setup Zip the file to password protect and the file Sensitive data send via Dropbox support at Calling support at

64 Additional Info Visit Infolink Download WebEx recording
Download WebEx recording Adding Alio Menu Items Listen to recording and follow directions on adding new programs to the menu. If you are interested in other Alio WebEx group training sessions, you can view a list of sessions currently available at, If you prefer one-on-one training, please contact your Alio® support provider directly for cost and scheduling information.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Alio support at or by direct to



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