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Republican or Democrat

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Presentation on theme: "Republican or Democrat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Republican or Democrat
Eisenhower Nixon Kennedy Truman Stevenson Dewey

2 Republican Democrat

3 This person was vital in bringing down Alger Hiss
This person was vital in bringing down Alger Hiss. He hid major evidence in a pumpkin patch. Whittaker Chambers

4 A workplace where only union members could be hired.
Closed Shop

5 Which president candidate used a strategy known as whistle-stop tours to help him get elected?

6 Who were the two main candidates that ran for president in 1948?
Truman and Dewey

7 This bill was passed by Congress to take away some of the power that unions had from the National Labor Relations Act. Taft-Hartley Bill

8 Which president passed the “Fair Deal”?

9 HUAC The House Un-American Activities Committee
What was the name of the committee that was set-up during the Great Depression to investigate against communism? HUAC The House Un-American Activities Committee

10 This future president used the Alger Hiss case to advance his career in the Senate.

11 The Republican Senator who played a major role in trying to implicate everyone in Truman’s administration as being communist. McCarthy

12 Self-appointed doers of justice

13 The effort to brand people as Communists and prevent them from holding jobs.

14 Presidential candidates in the 1952 election
Eisenhower and Stevenson

15 Who won the 1952 Presidential Election?

16 Who did Eisenhower have as his Vice-President?

17 In 1957, the Soviets shocked the U. S. by sending Sputnik I into space
In 1957, the Soviets shocked the U.S. by sending Sputnik I into space. What did the U.S. create because of this? NASA

18 Anti-Communist measure proposed by Congress in 1950
McCarran Act

19 Presidential candidate in 1960 who effectively used the electronic media to portray himself as witty and youthful Kennedy

20 Gained labor support when he vetoed the Taft-Hartley Bill

21 After World War II, rising prices and low wages resulted in many labor union ________.

22 consensus decision making
Eisenhower’s method of problem solving through group effort, which is known as ___________, helped his popularity. consensus decision making

23 Dwight Eisenhower encouraged development of hydroelectric and nuclear power plants. True or False

24 Eisenhower instituted the Federal Employee Loyalty Program, which was used and abused to evaluate the loyalty of government employees. True or False FALSE

25 Because of pressure from the Republicans and business leaders Truman lifted the price cap on products after World War II causing inflation. True or False TRUE

26 The press (newspapers) declared that Harry Truman defeated Thomas Dewey before the final total had been registered. True or False False

27 Nixon and Kennedy both were big into the cold war and had moderate views on the issue of civil rights. True or False True

28 Which President was very active in creating highway systems?

29 This couple was found guilty of handing over top secret bomb specifications to the Soviets.

30 The “Fair Deal” hit on 3 major issues. What were they?
Social Security Minimum Wage Housing

31 Legislation outlawing union shops that require new workers to join.
Right-to-work law

32 When the 80th Congress convened in January, the majority of the seats were filled by what party?

33 A shop that can only hire union workers
A closed shop is… A shop that can only hire union workers

34 Why did people “Like Ike”?
Military experience No scandals attached Offered to go to Korea

35 What was the importance of Ike’s relationship with Nixon?
Nixon was Ike’s VP Reputation for being tough on Communism Strengthened Ike’s public image

36 How was Truman viewed by the public?
Unpopular Pro Union Lax on commies

37 What trial lawyer said, “Have you no decency, sir?”
Joe Welch

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