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Year 6 SPAG Fast 5 - Summer.

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1 Year 6 SPAG Fast 5 - Summer

2 Week 1A 1/ Write two sentences. Use these two words correctly: accept/except 2/ Correct these spellings: Februay, dissappoint, nieghbour mayer 3/ Write in the present progressive and the past progressive. Georgia did her homework. 4/Identify the silent letter in these words. cheetah, rhyme, debt, foreign, scissors 5/Choose the correct spelling, there/their or they’re The teacher told them to leave …….. books on the desk. Billy is always ……. on time. . ………. are over 900 students at our school.

3 WEEK 1B 1/ Practise spelling these tricky spellings:
handkerchief, autnmn receipt, solemn 2/ Add a colon to this sentence. In front of him were the following mince pies, holly and other delicious delights. 3/ Add direct speech. jack whispered are we safe yet? 4/Add a colon or semi-colon Some children like to play tag at playtime; others like to play quieter games. 5/ Identify all the determiners. Three horses played in each field and ate some hay.

4 Week 1C 1/ Add a pair of dashes
My favourite sandwich filling egg mayonaise is also my Mum’s favourite. 2/ Find 5 words with an ie pattern and 5 with an ei pattern 3/ Identify the prepositions. I fell asleep during the film. We have to return at twelve o’clock. 4/ Write this sentence in the present perfect Lily eats all the cakes. 5/ Identify the adverbial phrase The new girl spoke in a very rude manner.

5 Week 2A 1/ Correct all the capital letters.
billy came to our school today from canada. he wants to learn french. 2/ Write the plural for these words: deer , cactus, person, louse, goose 3/ Put a colon in the correct place in the sentence. I have three horses an elderly mare (called Ruby), and two younger horses, Seren and Sylvie. 4/ Complete the sentence using I or me. I wanted my dad to watch ---play football. Before the show, Hannah and --- made some toast. The gardener asked Boris and --- to plant some seeds. 5/ John thanked him for his present. Is the word ‘his’ a preposition, an adjective, a verb or a determiner?

6 Week 2B 1/Decide whether the word in bold is a subordinating conjunction or a preposition. He will stay there until next year. I hadn’t seen a spider until now. Until he has finished, Stephen can’t go outside.. 2/ James didn’t have much butter. He needed to go to the supermarket Identify one verb, a determiner, a pronoun and a proper noun. 3/ Write a word beginning with each of these prefixes. sub, semi, pre, re, un, 4/ Underline the longest possible noun phrase. I saw a small girl with blonde hair. 5/Add a semi-colon to this sentence. I have a dance exam on Saturday I need to practise my routine.

7 Week 2C 1/ Rewrite this passage using the present perfect.
I went to a welcome day at my new school. I put my name down for the netball team and spoke to my new teacher. 2/Practise spelling the following tricky words. surprise noisiest wriggle possession obviously 3/ Write 5 words beginning with gn 4/ Write two sentences using past/passed. 5/ Write each of these in the plural: wolf ,shelf, hero, puppy, berry

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