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Bell Ringers… 1. Why are refusal skills important during the teen years? 2. List several ways to communicate effectively.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringers… 1. Why are refusal skills important during the teen years? 2. List several ways to communicate effectively."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringers… 1. Why are refusal skills important during the teen years? 2. List several ways to communicate effectively.

2 Decision Making Skills and Communication

3 OBJECTIVES We will Know the important factors to include and consider when making decisions Understand how our decisions will affect our overall level of health. Be able to make clear and healthy decisions in the decision making activity.

4 6 Steps in Decision Making
State the situation List the possible options Weigh the possible outcomes Consider your values Make a decision and take action Evaluate your decision

5 State the Situation What decision needs to be made
Identify others who may be affected by your decision

6 List the Possible Options
What are the possible choices that I could make? Ask for trusted/supportive people’s advice

7 Weigh the possible outcomes
Are there both positive and negative results? Weight the outcome or consequence of each option Is this decision safe, healthy, or legal

8 Consider your values Am I comfortable with the possible outcome?
What will my family think? How will I feel about the situation in a month?

9 Make a decision and take action
After using steps 1-4 you should be able to make a responsible decision

10 Evaluate your decision
After you make the decision ask yourself: What was the outcome? Was it what I expected? How did my decision affect my health? What effect did my decision have on others? What did I learn? Would I take the same action again?

11 Decision Making Group Activity

12 1. State the situation- What decision needs to be made?
2. List the possible options- What can you do? 3. Weigh the possible outcomes- What is one positive and one negative of each option? 4. Consider your values- Who else can be affected by your decision? What do you believe in? 5. Make a decision and take action- What is your decision? 6. Evaluate your decision

13 Health Skills Specific tools and strategies that lead to better and more informed health choices throughout your life.

14 Social Health Skills Communication is a process of sending messages to and receiving messages from others. Clearly say what you mean Pay attention to how you say something Be a good listener Be aware of your facial expressions and gestures

15 “I” Messages I-Messages are a way of saying how you feel without attacking or blaming others. I-messages help you communicate in conflict, and are more likely to be helpful and less likely to escalate the conflict than alternative approaches.

16 Social Health Skills … Refusal Skills
Techniques that can help you refuse when you are urged to take part in unsafe or unhealthful behaviors Say no Explain why you are refusing Suggest alternatives to the proposed activity Back up your words using body language Leave if necessary

17 Mental and Emotional Health Skills
Building your self esteem and managing your stress- restores perspective of things. Self esteem is the confidence and worth that you feel about yourself. Examine the messages you send yourself Focus on the things you do well

18 Tolerance Tolerance is accepting others and their differences and allowing them to be themselves without expressing disapproval. People may have views and ideals that are different from your own. When people practice tolerance of different view points or ideas, there are fewer conflicts.

19 Abstinence Abstinence is refraining from harmful behaviors or activities. Examples include saying “no” to drugs, sexual intercourse, alcohol and other dangerous situations and harmful and risky behaviors.

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