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TxEIS State Reporting FALL 2018 SUBMISSION Business Data

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1 TxEIS State Reporting FALL 2018 SUBMISSION Business Data

2 Verify TxEIS Business Data
Build and update crosswalk tables Verify data in TxEIS (using reports) Extract Correct errors as needed Update Frozen Organization data (SSA’s) Update Frozen Data (i.e. Fiscal Agents-Staff Responsibilities) Create the State Reporting Interchanges xml file. Reminder: All staff responsible for extracting data must coordinate activities with each other. This is especially important when deleting data from frozen file, extracting data, and manually entering data.

3 Crosswalks Crosswalks are retained from year to year. If tables exist from prior years, ensure that they are up to date. (refer to pg 6) To build Crosswalks go to>State Reporting>Crosswalks Examples of Crosswalks: Finance Budget Pg 72-73; Payroll Data Pg 80-81 Crosswalks will be specific to each LEA. Fall submission, the following tables can be used: Budget: 040 – From Org to Org 045 – Fund/SO to Prog 046 – Fund to Fund 047 – Obj to Obj 048 – Func to Func 049-Funds to Omit 055 – Fund/Func/SO to Prog 056 – Fund to Prog 069 – Fund/Prog to Prog Refer to pg 6

4 Elements included in Fall Submission
Budget- Amounts Fund-Code Function-Code Object-Code Organization-Code Program-Intent-Code (p.g for definitions) Refer to pg 60-61

5 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Finance
Budget data can be verified by running the following reports. Refer to p.g. 61

6 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Finance
Refer to p.g. 62

7 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
The following elements from the Staff Extension complex type are included in the fall submission: Reminder: Do not include employees who left employment before the Fall snapshot date. And those who had not begun employment as of the snapshot date. Refer to pg 63-64

8 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
The following elements from the Staff Extension complex type are included in the fall submission: Refer to p.g

9 Staff Responsibility Staff associated with their responsibilities within the LEA and/or school.
Fields required for Non-classroom and Classroom Responsibilities (all) Additional Fields required for Classroom Responsibilities not pulled from Grade Reporting. (Counselors, Instructional Aides, etc.) Required for Physical Education Teachers Only Refer to pg 65

10 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
The following elements from the Staff Extension complex type are included in the fall submission: Human Resources>Maintenance>Employment Info Refer to pg 67-68

11 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
AUXILIARY-ROLE-ID PEIMS Auxiliary Role ID (E1594) is the capacity in which a non-exempt auxiliary employee serves. This must be reported for all employees who serve in a non-professional or non-paraprofessional role. Employees reported with an Auxiliary Role ID are reported with the base pay associated with object code 6129. NOTE: Professional and paraprofessional staff may also be reported with an Auxiliary Role ID if they serve the LEA is a non-professional or non- paraprofessional role. A classroom teacher (Role ID 087) who also drives a bus route for the school would require an Auxiliary Role ID to be reported. In this case, the employee would have at least two payroll accounting entries: one with object code 6119, and one with object code Because there may be duplication between Role ID and Auxiliary Role ID, the district must use its discretion in determining if the employee is serving in a professional or non-professional capacity. Refer to pg 186 Handout & Responsibilities-Quick Reference Handout

12 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
The following elements from the Staff Extension complex type are included in the fall submission: Staff Type Code Pay Type (E1073) indicates if the staff person is on the district payroll or is a contracted instructional staff person. All staff working at a public school must be reported to the TEA for the fall submission. Refer to pg 69

13 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff The following elements from the Staff Extension complex type are included in the fall submission: Human Resources>Maintenance>Staff Job/Pay Data>Job Info Number-Days-Employed (E0160) is the actual number of at-work days within the school year the person is scheduled to work in the district Refer to pg

14 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
Data in the Staff Extension complex type can be verified by running the following reports: HRS1250 allows you to verify demographic, responsibilities, salary, and account data for employees. For the Include Reports parameter, select Payroll, Job, Distribution, and Responsibility. Refer to pg 69

15 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
Data in the Staff Extension complex type can be verified by running the following reports: Refer to pg 69

16 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff User created Report
Refer to pg 63, 67,69

17 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
The following elements from the PayrollExtension complex type are included in the fall submission: Refer to pg 70-71

18 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
Data in the PayrollExtension complex type can be verified by running the following reports:

19 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff
Data in the PayrollExtension complex type can be verified by running the following reports:

20 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff User Created Report

21 Verify TxEIS Business Data Category: Staff User Created Report - Example

22 Extract or Import Data Budget Extract
CAUTION! Each time you extract data, you overwrite the data in the frozen files (i.e., State Reporting maintenance pages), including any data that was manually entered. The Fall Budget Extract page extracts data for the FinanceExtension Interchange. Check applicable crosswalks to your districts. Refer to pg 72-73

23 Extract or Import Data Budget Extract
Click Run. Click Print to view the extract results. The report opens in a separate tab or window. If you navigate away from the extract page, the print button will no longer be available. Review the accuracy of the budget data. Finance budget codes are listed on the left, and the collapsed records are listed on the right. On the extract page, click Save. Caution! You must click Save to add the budget data to the frozen files. If you do not click Save, you will need to re-extract the data. Note: Data can be re-extracted, but you will overwrite any existing data in the frozen files when you click Save, unless you select Add New under Method when re-extracting data. Refer to pg 72-74

24 Extract or Import Data Staff Extract
Before Extracting Staff Data Ensure that all inactive employees have a termination date entered (Termination - Date and Reason fields on Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data >Employment Info). If the Reason field is blank, the employee is not extracted. Ensure that all Type 3 (hourly) employees have one of the following: A payroll activity code with a budget number and estimated amount (Estimated Annual Salary (Hourly Employees Only fields on Human Resources >Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Employment Info) An annual salary (Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info) Refer to pg 76

25 Extract or Import Data Staff Extract
Before Extracting Staff Data The fall Staff Extract page extracts data for the StaffAssociationExtension interchange, including staff demographic, payroll accounting, and responsibility data from the master schedule and the Human Resources (HR) application. Districts with contracted instructional staff serving as classroom teachers (i.e., PEIMS type 3) will also enter data on TxEIS District Administration > Maintenance > Non-Employee. Refer to pg 76

26 Extract or Import Data Staff Extract (Coordinate with your student operator on who will perform this extract) Refer to pg 78

27 Extract or Import Data Staff Extract
Refer to pg 81

28 Extract or Import Data Staff Extract
Click Print to print the report. The Print Options window opens allowing you to select a report. Select a report and click OK. The report opens in a new tab/window. Refer to pg 81

29 Update Organization Data Shared Services Arrangement
The following Organization data is always maintained from the maintenance pages; there is not an extract. Refer to pg 93

30 Update Organization Data Shared Services Arrangement
SHARED-SVC-Arrangement-TYPE-CODE Shared Services Type (E0776) is the type of program or service provided by an SSA. FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID Fiscal Agent District ID (E0777) is the county-district number of the SSA fiscal agent registered with the TEA. Both fields are required if you are using shared services. Create a record for each SSA in which the district is a party of the fiscal agent. For the Fall Submission, Shared Service Arrangements do not get reported for charter schools. Refer to pg 93

31 Update Frozen Data Use the TSDS fall maintenance pages to update and correct the data saved in the district database (i.e., frozen data). The fall maintenance pages provide many of the rules defined in the TEDS to help ensure that the data entered will be accepted Data on these pages is updated every time data is extracted, including data that is manually entered. Refer to pg 95

32 Update Frozen Data Update Budget Data
Refer to pg 95

33 Update Frozen Data Update Staff Data
NOTES: »» Non-employee data imported from the Import Staff File utility can also be maintained in District Admin. »» If you make changes on the TSDS maintenance page, such as changing a staff ID, verify that the change was also made in HR (Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information and Human Resources > Utilities > Change Staff ID).

34 Update Frozen Data Update Staff Data/Demo and Experience
Update data for the StaffExtension and PayrollExtension complex type as needed. Auxiliary Role ID (E1594) This field indicates the capacity in which a non- exempt auxiliary employee serves. This must be reported for all employees who serve in a nonprofessional or non-paraprofessional role. Refer to pg 96

35 Update Frozen Data Update Staff Data/Payroll
Refer to pg 97

36 Update Frozen Data Update Staff Data/Classroom Responsibilities
Reminder: If you are a Fiscal Agent you can now build your employees who serve students in other districts. CAUTION: Do Not Enter until all Extracts are complete. Refer to pg 97

37 Update Frozen Data Update Staff Data/Nonclassroom Responsibilities
Counselors with a set schedule to serve students in other districts need to be built in Nonclassroom Responsibilities. If you do not build with a 008/SS = Fatal Refer to pg 98

38 Run Extract Reports Once you have completed the extract, run the reports and review the data for accuracy. If necessary, correct the data and rerun the reports. Print the final reports for your records. Refer to pg 103

39 Create XML Files for TSDS PEIMS
Click Run>Save zip file to desktop(do not open or rename) Submit the data to TSDS. Refer to pg

40 TxEIS State Reporting FALL 2018 SUBMISSION Business Data

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