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Making Best use of Teaching Assistants Mobilise Project

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Presentation on theme: "Making Best use of Teaching Assistants Mobilise Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Best use of Teaching Assistants Mobilise Project

2 MITA survey results Sharing planning/preparedness for lesson
Being aware of pupils objectives/learning intentions Giving T.A’s lists of instructions/objectives Subject knowledge Data from the survey shows that 66% of respondents only had brief communication with the teacher after a lesson and 21% said there was none at all. Care teams

3 Wicked Issues

4 Wicked Issue 1

5 Wicked Issue 1 Sharing Planning Task: 10 min
Discuss how you are going to achieve this. How could we do it?

6 Wicked Issue 2 Timetabling and EHC requirements.
Getting everything the children need in a week is tricky From our professional development we have realised the importance of following the pupils EHC plans and also working collaboratively as a class to achieve these. As a class, and using an EHC as an example, look at how those needs are being met throughout the week and how the timetable could be altered to ensure this.

7 Wicked Issue 2 POST 16: To work collaboratively to share planning and evaluate practice.

8 Team Development Plan Task: Team Development Plan
Create a plan within your classes on how you might meet the requirements of the EHC better. Consider linknig to personal requirements (old CAM) and care plans (Post 16: how are you all going to work collaboratively)

9 Next Steps Carla, Rosie and Becky to visit classes next term to check on plans SMT are looking at times when teams can join together regularly We will expect plans to be evaluated termly

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