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LightGage™ Frequency Scanning Technology

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1 LightGage™ Frequency Scanning Technology
Corning Tropel Metrology Instruments LightGage™ Frequency Scanning Technology Thomas J. Dunn 26 October 2007

2 Introduction Presentation Outline Introduction
Review of Conventional Interferometry FSI Technology Description System Design Measurement Results and Applications Conclusion

3 The Challenge Need to rapidly measure flatness, height, and parallelism of components with following attributes: Surfaces are discontinuous Surfaces may be rough Surfaces may be recessed or part of an assembly A // 0.200 / / 0.100 15.00

4 The Challenge Rough surface means no fringes

5 The Solution Corning’s LightGage Interferometer Fast and Easy-to-Use
Full surface and multi-surface Step heights to 30+ mm A // 0.200 / / 0.100 15.00

6 LightGage™ Frequency Stepping Interferometer
Corning’s new LightGage™ system is an advanced, full surface, interferometer for measuring form (i.e. flatness), parallelism and depth

7 Introduction Conventional PMI Interferometer
Collect multiple interferograms with camera Each image collected with different phase (ramp fringes) Phase can be varied by moving reference surface in small equi-distant steps Conventional PMI Interferometer

8 Introduction Conventional PMI Interferometer
Interferometric fringe pattern from a spacer is shown. Fringes show deviation from ideal plane Multiple images are collected as OPD is varied in equi-distant steps For each pixel we can plot intensity versus step number

9 Introduction Conventional Normal Incidence Interferometry
Measures phase difference from adjacent pixels Calculates surface height map from expression: Intensity Variation for two different pixels

10 Introduction PRO’s CON’s Conventional PMI Interferometer
High Resolution and Accuracy High Speed CON’s Works only on smooth surfaces Cannot measure across discontinuous surfaces (depth, height, etc) Limited Dynamic Range

11 Technology Overview Frequency Scanning Interferometry
Use a tunable laser source Change the laser wavelength in equal frequency steps Collect camera image for each step

12 Technology Overview Frequency Scanning Interferometry
Modulation frequency for each pixel varies Measure absolute OPD by performing a DFT on each pixel’s modulation function Measure modulation frequency of each pixel independently

13 Height of each pixel independent of one another
Technology Overview US Penny Height of each pixel independent of one another

14 Technology Overview Modulation Frequency is function of depth

15 Technology Overview Frequency Scanning Interferometry
Laser has a “step-like” tuning behavior Eliminates frequency errors caused by positioning errors Allows faster tuning

16 System Design Tunable Laser Source
External Cavity Tunable Laser Source Both diode cavity and external cavity have longitudinal laser modes Desirable to tune the length of the external cavity to mode match the diode cavity Mode-matching optimizes frequency stability, guarantees equal frequency steps, and optimizes fringe contrast Diode Cavity Transmission Intensity Frequency Transmission Intensity Frequency

17 System Design Interferometer Head Compact design
Coupled through fiber optic cable Can be mounted in any orientation Can be located remotely Easily integrated for in-line applications

18 System Design Interferometer Head Fizeau Interferometer
Common path minimizes environmental impact Small form factor Diffuser disk Speckle busting Variable spatial coherence Camera TLD Diffuser Disk Object Fizeau Plate Objective Lens BS

19 Master System Controller
System Design Interferometer Head Single side or dual side measurements Master System Controller 5 meters Controller (PC) Sensor Source Unit Parts Handling Sensor

20 LightGage Gen 1 Specifications
Field of View (Circular) 36 mm (1.42 inch), Fixed Z-Resolution 10 nm (0.40 μinch) Lateral Resolution mm (0.003 inch) Measurement Range Up to 36 mm (1.42 inch) Measurement Time 30 seconds typical Measurement Method Frequency Scanning Interferometry Data Points Up to 785,000 pts /measurement

21 LightGage Gen 1 Specifications
Accuracy Repeatability Flatness 60 nm (2.4 μinch) 20 nm (0.8 μinch) Parallelism 100 nm (4.0 μinch) 25 nm (1.0 μinch) Depth/Height** see note 100 nm (4.0 μinch) ** Accuracy/repeatability of height/depth measurement is dependent on part geometry, consult Corning Tropel for more details Materials: Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, Glass, others Finishes: Fine-Ground, Lapped, Polished, Superfinished

22 LightGage Measurement Examples
Spacers and Components (Fuel Injector - Automotive)

23 Flatness and Parallelism of two surfaces
LightGage Measurement Examples Flatness and Parallelism of two surfaces (Fuel Pump - Automotive)

24 LightGage Measurement Examples
Form of a precision recessed surface (HDD – Motor hub)

25 LightGage Measurement Examples
Failure analysis on compressor plates Mounts Seal Ring

26 LightGage Measurement Examples
Surfaces on a diffuse powdered metal part (Automotive – Shock Absorber)

27 LightGage Measurement Examples
Form of a precision assembly (HDD – Wavy washer)

28 Conclusion Advantages of Frequency Scanning Interferometry
Measure multiple surfaces simultaneously Measure diffuse and discontinuous surfaces (many material types) Fast since it incorporates high-speed data collection with high-speed algorithms High dynamic range and accuracy

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