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Unit of Plant Protection Products Dr. Pilar Sandín-España

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1 Unit of Plant Protection Products Dr. Pilar Sandín-España
Topic ENV Toxicants, environmental pollutants and land and water resources management – FP7-ENV-2013-two-stage Unit of Plant Protection Products Dr. Pilar Sandín-España Technical Directorate for Evaluation of Plant Varieties and Plant Protection Products The National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology INIA, Madrid

Degradation studies of pesticides in environmental waters Structural elucidation and isolation of unknown transformation products (TPs) as emerging pollutants Development and validation of analytical methods of pesticides and their TPs Studies of biological activity of TPs Environmental risk assessment of pesticides HUMAN RESOURCES Pilar Sandín-España (PhD. Chemistry) J.L. Alonso-Prados (PhD. Agronomy) Carmen López-Goti (PhD. Chemistry) Elena Alonso-Prados (Biologist) Beatriz Sevilla-Morán (PhD. Chemistry) Mercedes Villarrolla (Chemist) Evaluation group of Plant Protection Products EQUIPMENT & FACILITIES Laboratory of Chemistry LC-DAD-MS; GC-ECD; solar simulator. NMR; LC/QtoF Other facilities Greenhouses, growth chambers, molecular biology laboratory P. Sandín-España Unit of Plant Protection Products-INIA

3 PROJECTS Chemical degradation of ciclohexanedione herbicides in aquatic media. Environmental impact. RTA ( ). Development of indicators for the effects of soil fumigants in strawberry crop. RTA ( ). Development of tools for the environmental risk assessment of low dose herbicides, bioassays and degradation studies. RTA01-034, ( ). Low dose herbicides in the sugar beet crop. Agro-environmental consequences. AGL /AGR. ( ). Study and environmental risk assessment of the use of 1,3-D and chloropicrine as alternatives to methyl bromide. AT C7-7. ( ). 12 AGREEMENTS with the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment regarding the risk assessment of pesticides for their approval at the European and National level. ( ). P. Sandín-España Unit of Plant Protection Products-INIA

4 Our Added value to the topic:
To research the pesticide transformation products (TPs) as aquatic emerging pollutants: Structural elucidation and isolation/synthesis of unknown TPs detected in environmental degradation studies. Determination of pesticide degradation pathways Development of analytical methods for the detection of these pollutants in environmental waters Chemical behaviour of TPs in water bodies Studies of the biological activity of these new xenobiotics. P. Sandín-España Unit of Plant Protection Products-INIA

5 Our Added value to the topic:
Experience of the Unit of Plant Protection Products (UPPP): The group has expertise on environmental risk assessment, monitoring, field trials and bioassays with pesticides for the assessment of environmental fate. INIA and UPPP is the acredited entity by the Ministry of Agriculture for the assessment of pesticides under Regulation 1107/2009/EU. Members of our group belong to the National expert group for the evaluation of pesticides. J.L. Alonso-Prados is representative of Ministry of Agriculture in the Southern member state steering group for the assessment of pesticides. Our group participate on the zonal evaluation of pesticides Members of our group participate on the evaluation coordinated by EFSA of pesticides and on the development of guidance documents for their risk assessment. P. Sandín-España Unit of Plant Protection Products-INIA

6 Many thanks for your attention Unit of Plant Protection Products
Pilar Sandín-España Unit of Plant Protection Products Technical Directorate for Evaluation of Plant Varieties and Plant Protection Products INIA

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