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Teaching & Mentoring Staff

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1 Teaching & Mentoring Staff
Biblical Foundations For Discipleship Ralph Moore Teaching & Mentoring Staff

2 After The Seminar Sermons Resources
Idea Exchange

3 Your Disciples Should Change Their World Luke 10:18-21
- Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me - Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name - And I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy - Don’t rejoice just because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered as citizens of heaven -What does it mean that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, or annointed me? Do you walk in this annointing? Do your people know about it or how to enter into it? --Do the poor (in wealth and in spirit) hear good news from you? --Do you know that depression is the number two “illness” in America? --Are the captives of anger, alchohol, pornography, greed or other addictions getting free in your midst? --Do you enjoy a climate where physical healings are part of normal Christianity? --Did you know that anxiety or unsupported fear is the number one “illness” in America? --Do you preach a message of favour (grace) or judgment?

4 We Need Holy Spirit Power Acts 1:4-8
- Wait for the promise of the Father - You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you - You shall witness unto the uttermost parts of the earth --The promise of the Father is the ability to get the job done. --What he promised is the baptism, filling, overflow of the Spirit—have it any way you want, but you need the Holy Spirit working in your life. Church growth scholarship, leadership books and business systems are only helpful, never powerful. --You and your church are called outward, not inward. You should be touching some uttermost part of the earth if you are living in this promise/command.

5 Church Leaders Are Called To Equip Others Ephesians 4:10-13
- God placed you in his church - You have a unique office - You are to build members to service, maturity and unity --Your calling is sure and he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus Philippians 1:6 --Whatever your office, you are to function as a coach, or equipper/a mentor. --Our people are all called to service, maturity and unity. It is our job to get them there, not do their job for them.

6 Church ‘Happens’ In Three Arenas Acts 2:41-47
--The prototype for church includes small home meetings and larger gatherings in the public arena. --The numbers of believers vs trained disciples seems to dictate that the smaller meetings would be reflective of the larger—especially in the teaching. --Different functions of the church work best in these different settings --Evangelism probably took place outside the church rather than inside. - Public Meetings - Homes - Marketplace

7 You Can Trust The Holy Spirit Romans 15:14
- I am persuaded - You my brethren - Full of goodness - Filled with all knowledge - Able to teach one another --You have to be persuaded (trust God and people) if you want to be an effective mentor and have your disciples turn out as winners. --We need to see our disciples as our brothers and sisters. We need to get intimate with them in staff meetings, home groups, one-on-one, etc. --We need to trust the Holy Spirit to work when all we can do is stand on the sidelines. Paul had never been to Rome when he wrote these words to the Roman Christians.

8 Ministry Should Include Spontaneity 1 Corinthians 14:26
- Sing - Teach - Bring revelation - Tongues - Interpretation - Be useful and edifying --The promise of the Father is the ability to get the job done. --The Spirit will work through well-mentored people anywhere, not just in church or in home meetings. This has to be the goal of our ministry. The disciples of Jesus took the message and the power of God to the streets.


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