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Spotlight Presentations Portfolios and Continuous Improvement

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1 Spotlight Presentations Portfolios and Continuous Improvement
Author: Dr. Craig Campbell Date: April 9, 2013

2 A taxonomy of ePortfolios
Assessment portfolios – demonstrate achievement of curricular objectives, support feedback and assessment of specific achievements. Showcase portfolios – select, collect and display one’s best work. A record of personal development and achievement that is dynamic over time. A ‘virtual’ CV. Development portfolios – plan and keep track of one’s own learning activities & personal development plans Reflective portfolios – reflect on experiences, activities, critical incidents to ‘make sense’ of one’s work Van Tartwijk, Driessen 2004

3 Portfolios in Promoting Feedback
Key Take Home Messages Portfolios in Promoting Feedback Applications or functions to support reflection of: Learners on their interactions and experiences Programs on the implementation and development of curriculum Templates to enable formative assessment in the workplace Educational planning and follow-up Key Issue: Degree of structure and importance of implementation support strategies

4 Portfolios for Lifelong Learning Across the Continuum
Key Take Home Messages Portfolios for Lifelong Learning Across the Continuum Multiple applications to promote lifelong learning Development of learning plans Access to resources / content (PIM, digital media repositories) Ability to track learning and progress Use multiple devices to track clinical encounters, competencies etc. Ability to tailor experiences to identified needs eLogs not just for procedures, but therapies, testing, prescribing AND other competency domains Key Issues: Data entry, Work flow, Faculty support

5 Portfolios and Data Exchange Networks
Key Take Home Messages Portfolios and Data Exchange Networks Portfolios as one among multiple sources of data contributors Facilitate links to other longitudinal data over time Enable aggregate data reporting and research Key Issue: Importance of web services and data exchange standards maybe applicable to Curriculum inventory, accreditation standards, scalable e-performance dashboards In the future – Milestone or EPA achievement?

6 Need a greater focus on…
Key Take Home Messages Need a greater focus on… Scope of practice: to facilitate planning and linking learning activities with practice. How portfolios can support individual learning with learning within teams or communities. Strategies to facilitate personalization Relationship of ePortfolios with: Learning management systems Virtual patient platforms or other e-Simulation strategies Social media .


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