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The 5 C’s of Positive Behaviour Management

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1 The 5 C’s of Positive Behaviour Management
Presented by: Sue Cowley @Sue_Cowley

2 Confident Communication
I know what I want I communicate what I want Confident Communication I model what I want: “this is how we do it here” I look like I know what I want I’m specific about what I need and why I need it

3 Consistency I know what will happen if I do/don’t get what I want
The students know what the rules/consequences are Consistency I aim for high standards to help create a consistent ethos I know when it’s appropriate to be flexible I aim to react to everyone consistently, regardless of my personal feelings

4 I have effective control of both my verbal and non verbal communication
I model self control - I know how to keep myself calm Control I use space and layout to help me control behaviour I’m reasonable, so I don’t feel the need to reason with the students I know how to control my stress levels and work load – I practise ‘selfish altruism’

5 Choice I encourage the students to see their behaviour as their choice
I use the ‘language of choice’ when dealing with misbehaviour Choice I’m clear about what the choices are – I refuse to enter into tit for tat arguments I encourage students to make good choices, often by pre-empting misbehaviour I highlight those making good choices

6 I constantly question and adapt the approaches I take; I am reflective
I differentiate to offer both support and challenge Creativity I use active, multi- sensory approaches for teaching and classroom management I think ahead about problems, and use lateral thinking to deal with them I turn abstract concepts into concrete activities

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