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America to the Rescue Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

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1 America to the Rescue Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia quits the war Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Germans move all the troops to France British and French forces losing ground Civilians upset by death and destruction U.S. to the rescue

2 The United States in WWI
Advantages for the United States and the Allies Industry Food Navy Convoys and Destroyers New Weapons (tanks) Different Strategy Morale/Energy

3 Turning the Tide of War American Expeditionary Force enters the war.
Fights as a separate unit. Battle of the Somme – Allies stop the German advance, protect Paris. Battle of Belleau Wood – TURNING POINT – German forces are pushed back, begin retreating. Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary drop out of the war. Harlem Hell Fighters

4 Armistice U.S. offers deal to Germany
Cease fire if German Kaiser abdicates United States is looking for “Peace without victory!” Cease fire takes place on November, 11th, 1918 at 11:00 AM Eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

5 Cost of the War Approximately 10 million battlefield deaths.
Estimated 5-10 million civilian deaths 20 million people seriously wounded Influenza epidemic kills 30 million worldwide 70% of all young (20-40) French men are killed or seriously wounded. Worldwide cost in dollars of 200 billion in direct costs, more than 500 billion in other costs. By far the deadliest and most expensive war in human history up to that point.


7 Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points
“Peace without victory” Overall plan for world peace not just the end of WWI Key points: Freedom of the Seas Self Determination – end imperialism No secret alliances Disarmament Creation of an international peace keeping organization called the League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles European Nations reject 14 Points – too soft Unilateral treaty – Germany/Central Powers not invited Big Four – President Wilson – U.S. Vittorio Orlando - Italy Georges Clemenceau – France David Lloyd George – Great Britain GERMANY IS BLAMED FOR ALL OF WORLD WAR I

9 Details of the Treaty Germany must disarm.
German colonies are given to Britain and France Austria- Hungary and Ottoman Empire are broken up Germany loses a lot of land Germany split into two parts – “Polish Corridor” New nations are created in Eastern Europe. League of Nations is created Germany is forced to pay reparations – 30 billion dollars Treaty of Versailles is a complete failure and sets the stage for World War II

10 American Reaction Too Harsh Too Soft League of Nations was the problem
Entangle U.S. in foreign affairs lose our independence embarrassing for President Wilson U.S. Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles Separate agreement reached with Germany in 1921. U.S. does not join the League of Nations

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