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Basic Project Information

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1 Basic Project Information
BaltSeaPlan Basic Project Information Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

2 How to coordinate the different uses?
The pressure on the Baltic Sea space and resources both on and off-shore is growing. Shipping, fisheries, wind farming, coastal and boat tourism, mineral extraction, shore protection (climate change!) and nature protection are only examples of sectors affected. The coordination of the frequently conflicting and mutually exclusive uses calls for urgent and a unified action by all countries of the region. Whereas in the past the co-ordination of different demands was done on a sectorral basis, in future this will not be enough. Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning is urgently needed to resolve the existing conflicts and tap the full potential of our common Baltic Sea in future in a more sustainable way. Siemens pres photo Solution: Maritime Spatial Planning Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

3 Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)
Tool for implementing sustainable development in coastal and marine areas Recommended by the EU Containing elements of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) such as participative approach, ecosystem approach, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Includes land-sea interactions Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

4 Challenge… and chance MSP - transnationally wanted, however
Nationally, only few Baltic Sea Region countries introduced regulations on maritime spatial planning yet National maritime strategies – non existing? This is a chance! to create a joint understanding to learn together from pilot initiatives to base new regulations on transnationally, coherent principles Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

5 Project Background Previous work on MSP Policy Links
BaltCoast ( ) Introduces concept of MSP Recommendations for BSR MSP Handbooks PlanCoast, Balance, IOC VASAB Compendium on MSP legislation MSP in Practice! Germany: MV / EEZ Poland: Gdańsk Bay Policy Links EU Blue Book on Future Maritime Policy MSP Roadmap Workshops Studies Pilot projects EU call for National Maritime Strategies VASAB Gdańsk Declaration Long Term Perspective HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan Broad Scale MSP recommendation Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

6 BaltSeaPlan Objective
To support the Baltic Sea Region countries in turning Maritime Spatial Planning into reality. Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

7 Facts & figures Project preparation started as early as 2005 !
Approved on 24/10/2008 within 1st call of the Baltic Sea Region Programme (former INTERREG) project duration budget: 3.7 m Euro originally 18 partners 4 Russian partners had to drop-out due to unavailability of ENPI funds Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

8 Partners Germany: Lead Partner: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency / BSH World Wide Fund for Nature Germany, Baltic Sea Unit / WWF Ministry of Transport, Building and Regional Development of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Poland: Maritime Office in Szczecin Maritime Office in Gdynia Maritime Institute in Gdańsk Denmark: National Environmental Research Institute / NERI Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology / KTH Swedish Environmental Protection Agency / SEPA Estonia: Baltic Environmental Forum / BEF Estonia Estonian Marine Institute of University of Tartu Lithuania: Coastal Research and Planning Institute / CORPI Baltic Environmental Forum / BEF Lithuania Latvia: Baltic Environmenatal Forum / BEF Latvia Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

9 What is BaltSeaPlan doing?
Stocktaking: compilation of current sea uses identification of data gaps Generation of new GIS datasets Data exchange and harmonisation according to the EU INSPIRE directive Direct involvement of stakeholders 7 local and cross-border pilot Maritime Spatial Plans Frameworks and methodologies for Maritime Spatial Planning and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the sea Assessment of national priorities for offshort development => Proposals for National Maritime Strategies according to EU Blue Book Common spatial vision for the Baltic Sea under consideration of transnational interdependencies and cumulative impacts Policy recommendations for Maritime Spatial Planning Pilot MSPs: Pomeranian Bight DE/PL/SE/DK Western Gulf of Gdansk PL Middle Bank PL/SE Western Baltic T-Route DK Pärnu Bay EE Hiiuma & Saaremaa Islands EE Western Coast of Latvia LV Balt SeaPLan will eventually cover the full MSP cycle. At the moment the project partners started work on different activities in parallel: They created workplans and devided responsibilities among the working teams. This was especially important in case of international teams. The identified the main stakeholders in the their pilot areas They started collecting data Moreover, as first step to creation of National Maritime Strategies, the national framework (existing laws and strategies affecting the marine space) have been analysed. TORs for the Common Vision have been prepared. Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

10 Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

11 The MSP cycle (Source: PlanCoast Handbook on IMSP
Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

12 Added value of BaltSeaPlan and BaltSeaPlan Vision
Focused – only sea-side areas Practical - utilising other results of project: National Maritime Strategies Pilot MSPs Realistic - showing the actual plans and strategies of all BSR countries Integrated - combining national planning and regional strategies into one! Visual / accessible / understandable Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

13 Thank you for attention!
Thank you for attention! Angela Schultz-Zehden BaltSeaPlan Stakeholder Meeting Tallinn 25/11/09

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