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Presentation on theme: "Welcome.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome.

2 Who are champions?

3 I.ROUND. Greeting and introduction.
The plan of the game: I.ROUND. Greeting and introduction. II.ROUND.What do you know?Answer the questions. III.ROUND. Proverbs. IV.ROUND. Who is the best? V.ROUND.Explain the pictures on the White Board VI.ROUND. Make the dialogue. VII.ROUND.Go on. Cross test. VIII.ROUND. Riddles. IX.ROUND. What are these?

4 II.Round. What do you know? (answer the questions).

5 1. Where is Kazakhstan situated?
In Central Asia

6 “Romeo and Juliet” was written by…..

7 What kind of buses are in London?

8 4. The longest river in Great Britain The Severn

9 The capital of the USA? Washington

10 What is the currency of the USA?

11 Who wrote the novel “Abai zholy”?

12 8.Who is the head of Kazakhstan?

13 9. What is the oldest university of Great Britain?

14 10.What is the most popular holidays in Kazakhstan ?

15 11.When does Kazakhstan celebrate Independence day?
16 December

16 12.Who is the head of Great Britain?

17 III.Round. Proverbs.

18 1. Money spent on the ….. is never spent in vain brain – ақыл – ум
2. An …a day keeps the doctor away. apple – алма - яблоко 3. Lost … is never found again. time - уақыт - время 4. … is power. knowledge – білім - знание 5. Better late than … never – ешқашан - никогда 6. It is never too … to learn. late - кеш - поздно 7. There is no place like… home – үй - дом 8. Actions speak louder than … words – сөздер - слова 9. A good … makes a good ending beginning – бастау – начало 10. East or West home is … best – жақсы - лучше

19 13. Everything is good in its …
11. The books are our … friends – достар - друзья 12. Time is … money – ақша - деньги 13. Everything is good in its … season – мезгіл - сезон 14. Everyone is a slave of his … love – махаббат - любовь 15. Health is above … wealth – денсаулық – здоровье 16. Habit is a second… nature – табиғат - природа 17. Don’t play with… fire – от - огонь 18. Money won’t make you… happy – бақытты - счастливый

20 IV.Round. Who is the best?

21 Letter A The name of the fruit The river in the USA The name of the month A part of the body The name of the school subject The capital of the Kazakhstan One of the oceans The famous Kazakh writer A funny story A story in the newspaper A stupid animal A mathematical term The first letter of the alphabet It is harmful for our health What cannot we live without?

22 Letter B A little child The name of the fruit A part of the body The antonym to the word “good” An object in the classroom A kind of the dance The capital of Germany The name of the school subject A lake in Kazakhstan The room where we sleep A person without money and a house An important day for of all us which happens once every year A colour The member of the family A clever friend of the man

23 V.Round. Explain the pictures on the whiteboard.
















39 VI.Round. Make the dialogue. At these themes: 1.About food. 2.At the dentist’s. 3.Shopping.


41 VII.Round. Go on.(cross test).

42 Cross-test for the first team.
Hot, cold, foggy are……………………. Monday, Tuesday, Sunday are…………….. Marat, Talgat, Arman are …………………… My mothers dauther is my ……………… Potato, tomato, cucumber are ……………….. Which month has 28 days…………………….. When is the St. Valentine's Day celebrated……………….. The capital of Russia………………. Our National language is……………….. Antonym word “easy”………………..

43 Cross-test for the second team.
1,2,3,4 are…………………. English, Maths, History are………………… We are…………………………. What colour is snow…………………… The capital of GB……………….. A, B, C, D are ……………. I go to the…………………. My grandfather and grandmother are my……………… Monkey, lion, giraffe are ………………… Cat, dog are………………….

44 Cross-test for the third team.
Rose, daisy, tulip are…………….. Winter, summer, spring are…………….. Blue, black, white are…………………….. My mother and father are my…………… Football, tennis, basketball are……………… Dombra, kobyz, piano are………………………… January, May, October are……………………… Apples, bananas are……………………….. Doll, ball, balloon are…………………… Mickey and Mouse, Tom and Jerry are…………….

45 VIII.Round. Find riddles.

46 1.This the season When fruit is sweet, This is the season When school friends meet. 2.This is the season When children ski And grandfather Father Bring the “New Year Tree”

47 3.This is the season when snowdrops bloom, When nobody likes To stay in the room When birds make their nests. 4.This is the season When vegetables grow. I come to the garden And make water flow.

48 5.This is the season When nights are short Are children have plenty of fun, When children swim All the day on the sun. 6.In autumn they are good, Yellow, red and sweet, And they are very good to eat, Says my brother Pete.

49 7.Days are cool, apples are ripe. What season is it?
Do you know? 8.In summer it is grey, in winter it is white. We call it Brother… 9.It’s red or rosy, in summer it grows. It’s a beautiful flower. What is it? 10.Higher than a house, higher than a tree, Oh, what can that be?

50 What are these?



53 Conclusion!

54 Thank you for your attention. Good buy!

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