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EU Presidency The Netherlands

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1 EU Presidency The Netherlands

2 Ministry of Economic Affairs

3 The Netherlands EU presidency 2016
Amsterdam is location for all informal meetings: 13 Councils Approx. 140 high-level meetings Navy Establishment Amsterdam Ministry of Economic Affairs

4 Ministry of Economic Affairs

5 Conference Future proof Nature policy
Goal: optimize the BHD, by: Strengthening the BHD Improve synergies between BHD and other public and private domains Ministry of Economic Affairs

6 Draft conference set up
June 28-30, 2016 Staff/professional level 1 ½ day Plenary introductory key note speakers, setting the scene Break outs/work shops -best practices pitches, discussion leading to statements, reporting by mindmapping Plenary wrap up: panel discussion/polling Political/high level ½ day Journalistic report of staff/professional 1 ½ day outcome Two/three theme discussions (no statements) Concluding remarks of the chair Ministry of Economic Affairs

7 Draft Programme June 28th Tuesday Welcome programme (registration, lecture, boat trip, diner) (afternoon/evening) June 29th Wednesday Registration/Official opening Keynote speakers, setting the scene Session: strengthen the BHD Session: improving synergies Evening diner provisional: (closed) NDM working diner/breakout? June 30th Thursday Session: improving synergies Closing remarks closing lunch/welcome lunch Ministerial meeting closing reception Ministry of Economic Affairs

8 Next steps Save the Date, Pre-registration/interest registration (end of March) NDM participants + Save the Date can be forwarded to other departments or associate members. Final registration by invitation (300) (end of April) -> NDM participants + proportional presence of sectors/businesses -> Ministers (+2) responsible for nature/biodiversity Ministry of Economic Affairs

9 Request for input Suggestions for a long list of Key note speakers and Break out themes/examples of best practices Strengthening the BHD - species management (‘problematic’ species; protection<->damage) - simplifying N2000 management programmes - integrated approaches (integrated Life projects) - financing - enforcement - generic permits Synergies between BHD and other domains - water safety/flooding - mining/extraction - infrastructure - energy (hydro power, (off shore) wind farms) - modelling impact assessments - spatial planning/urban planning - green infrastructure - rural development (depopulation) - agriculture, forestry, fisheries - tourism - construction Ministry of Economic Affairs

10 Ministry of Economic Affairs

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