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Improving Routing & Network Performances using Quality of Nodes

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1 Improving Routing & Network Performances using Quality of Nodes
Navid Nikaein

2 Motivation Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Goals:
Limited wireless resources  low-capacity Mobility  time-varying topology Lack of fixed Infrastructure  fully-distributed Low-capacity time-varying resources with a fully mobile infrastructure Goals: Avoid the cause of link failure at the network layer: Node mobility Lack of resources reside in nodes Trade off between routing overhead & E-2-E delay

3 Outline Basic Idea Quality of nodes  avoid the link failure (goal 1)
Forest construction  reduce overhead (goal 2) Zone partitioning  improve delay (goal 2) Results Conclusion

4 Assumptions Fully symmetric environment Capabilities:
All nodes have identical capabilities Capabilities: Transmission range, battery life, processing capacity, buffer capacity Each node periodically sends a Beacon

5 Network Topology Forest Basic Idea TREE TREE …. TREE ZONE ZONE …. ZONE

6 Quality of Nodes V =   s +   b +   p
Power level p  battery lifetime Buffer level b  available unallocated buffer Stability level s  t=t1-t2: period V =   s +   b +   p

7 Quality of Nodes We classify the quality of nodes into:
High Medium Low Selfish The quality of nodes is captured using six bits Two bits per metric to keep low routing overhead, and fast routing decision If selfish, then ceases to act as a router

8 Forest Construction Preferred neighbor election:
PN(x)={y | V = max ( V ( Nx ) )}, where V can be: V= Node Degree, OR V =   s +   b +   p  Quality of Connectivity If two identical V, then elect the higher ID. Theorem: connecting each node to its preferred neighbor yield to a forest

9 Zone Partitioning Each tree of the constructed forest forms a zone
Each zone is maintained proactively by exchanging periodical beacon Hence, network can be seen as a set of non-overlapping zones

10 Network Topology before & after the Algorithm
z2 c h c h d g d g w b w k b k x v z a x v z f a y f z1 y u s t s u i n t e i n e z3

11 Results - Simulation Model
Traffic model: CBR 512 byte/packet 4 packets/second Source 10 Performance Metrics: Packet-delivery-ratio Acquisition delay Routing overhead Movement model: 50 nodes 1500mx300m 0-20 m/s 900 simulated seconds Pause time=0, 30, 60, 150, 300, 600, 900 10 scenarios for each pause time

12 Packet-Delivery-Ratio

13 Acquisition Delay

14 Routing Overhead (Packets)

15 Routing Overhead (bytes)

16 Conclusion We suggest:
Quality of nodes/connectivity as one of the key parameters in routing and network performances an architecture that separates logical topology creation from route determination

17 Improving Routing & Network Performances using Quality of Nodes
Thank you

18 Research on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Infrastructureless Wired Fixed Mobility Infrastructured Wireless

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