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Presentation on theme: "Subarctic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subarctic

2 Moose Hide The peoples of the subarctic made their cloths from animal hides.

3 Subarctic Clothing The subarctic peoples hunt down animals such as moose and deer to make their clothing.

4 Dream catchers The dream catcher was to stop negative dreams from happening. dreams were caught in the web and would die at morning light.

5 Sub arctic Art The subarctic people used a lot of wood to make there crafts. They also used feathers and beads to decorate their crafts.

6 Subarctic Plants

7 Subarctic Animals

8 Subarctic animals Grizzly and black bears The subarctic wolf, wolverines, red and arctic foxes, lynxes, Caribou, moose, elk, reindeer, musk oxen, mountain goats, Dall sheep Snowshoe hares, beavers and river otters mice, rats, lemmings, voles and squirrels, Gray and Humpback Whales,

9 Subarctic Fur Trade The Europeans traded goods such as guns, metal tools and horses arrive The Cree are eager to trade furs for European goods Trading becomes the main focus for the Cree The Cree bring European goods to inland tribes in exchange for furs.

10 Subarctic Transportation
The Subarctic peoples travelled by their feet. they also used snowshoes during the winter season. Their Survival depended on being able to travel long distances. When they had heavy loads they used toboggans to hold their items and dogs pulled the items.



13 System of government The subarctic families are independent and they are grouped with another family for hunting and ceremonies.

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